Head of unit



At the end of each quarter, unit managers and their “assistant” receive by e-mail a notification of an invoice to be validated in Sesame.

To obtain the proof of this invoice, download the detail on the “Download” tab. This is a PDF file that includes the total impressions and copies made by the unit’s employees

 Detail de la facture

If you do not know how to validate an invoice on Sesame, you can download this small documentation.

Invoice detail

In the invoice, you will find these columns:

1- NB A3 = total impressions and copies made in A3 format, in black and white

2- NB A4 = total impressions and copies made in A4 format, in black and white

3- Couleur A3 = total impressions and copies made in A3 format, in color

4- Couleur A4 = total impressions and copies made in A4 format, in color

5- Recto-verso = number of prints and duplex copies; this option made it possible to reduce the price of each print / copy by 2 cents

6 – Copies = number of photocopies carried out (already included in the previous columns), just for your information, to disassociate copies of impressions

7- Impressions = number of impressions from your workstation or smartphone (already included in the previous columns) and, in addition, the number of jobs sent on the plotters

8- Total = addition of columns prints and copies

8- Prix = billable amount of impressions / copies

Billing forecasts

Each unit manager can view the total impressions / copies of his unit and anticipate the final amount of his invoice, via the page “account balance

After logging in, choose the “Statistics” module

Then select the period then Activity – summary by Cost Center Manager

And click Refresh View

stat manager

It is possible to download the file in .csv format in order to import it into an excel table