EPFL Innovation Park (EIP)
For connecting a computer or other device to the network of the EPFL, you need at least:
- An IP address
- An IP name (example, xxx.epfl.ch)
- Commissioning of a plug (if no plug is in use in the local or any other solution for sharing, for example, a micro-hub, exists).
A fixed annual rental is required during the commissioning of a plug or connection of a computer or other equipment.
Any request for a network service for the Innovation Park must be done through :
Domain epfl.ch
The Infrastructures SI unit (ITOP-INFR) is competent to verify the naming rules under the terms of Article 6 para. 6 and to implement the domain names under the terms of Article 5 para. 2 of LEX 6.2.1.
Each connected device have at least a name and an IP address. It may be useful in some cases, to have other names IP (Alias). Some rules are established for naming.
Other domain names (.ch .com .org .net …)
Refer to the LEX 6.2.1.