List of people

  1. Add an EPFL people block.
  2. In the right column, make sure that the Block tab is active, if not, click on it.
  3. [Optional] In the Block title section, you can define a title for the list of people
  4. You can choose from the 4 options below: (It is not possible to combine these displays)
    1. To display a list of people per unit, specify the desired unit. To display several units, specify the units, separated by commas but without spaces. (Example: unit1,unit2)
    2. To display a list of people by groups, specify the desired group. To display several groups, specify the groups, separated by commas but without spaces (example: group1,group2)
      [See group management]
    3. To display a list of individual persons, specify the SCIPERs ID of each individual person. To display several people, indicate the SCIPER IDs separated by commas but without spaces. (Example: 123456,654321)
    4. To display a doctoral program, specify its acronym.
  5. By default, the information is displayed in alphabetical order. Click on Hierarchical order or Hierarchical order with title to display by function order.
  6. It is possible to create a customized hierarchical structure. This possibility is only available to persons with the respcom role in Accred
  7. [optional] You can filter the display of units by function. To display several functions, specify the functions, separated by commas but without spaces. (Example: function1,function2).
    Please note that the functions must be entered in French.
  8. [Optional] In the Display Options section you can choose to show or hide the following information: job function, office, email address and phone number.
  9. Select a template. (Either list, card one column or cards multiple column)


As card, multiple columns

As list with title