Summary of the main measures:
Form an inclusive organizing committee
- Make sure minorities and minority groups* are represented on your committee.
- Don’t assign tasks and responsibilities based on stereotypes and gender biases.
Use inclusive language in your event materials
→ See the EPFL webpage on inclusive language
Ensure minority groups are represented and have a voice
- In selecting speakers, try to include people from minorities or minority groups.
Make sure your event is accessible
- Consider accessibility from the standpoint of people with a physical, sensory or cognitive disability, or with a mental disorder.
- Make sure your event is affordable for people on a tight budget
- Consider event accessibility for people with young children.
- Provide free menstrual products.
Hold an event that’s safe for everyone, including on social media
- Train your staff on risk prevention and how to respond to incidents.
- Implement the measures you learned during the training.
- If necessary, use EPFL’s emergency services (for on-campus events).