Platform costs

EPFL laboratories and external users have access to various services provided by EPFL’s infrastructure, commonly known as “technology platforms”.

The full range of these infrastructures is available on the Research webpage

The most restrictive list of eligible platforms with a cost analysis is the following (their fee schedules are representative for all EPFL funders):

Note that the unit rate charged by these platforms to EPFL laboratories is “U1”.

New rule established by the SNSF

Since 1 January 2019, all invoices related to the direct costs of all platforms (called “infrastructures” by the SNSF), submitted with financial reports to the SNSF, must contain details of the tariff structure broken down into “User fee 1 to 3: Direct costs, Other direct costs and Indirect costs”. From now on, the funder must be able to distinguish between chargeable/eligible costs (Direct costs) and non-chargeable costs (Other direct costs, Indirect costs) to attest to the plausibility of the tariff charged. The “Technology Platforms” must then provide a cost analysis in accordance with their guidelines.

What should I do if I receive an invoice for a service from an EPFL platform?

  1. Check the presence of the price list (available on the list of eligible platforms)

This detailed tariff structure must be attached to all invoices related to the use of the platforms and charged to an SNSF subsidy. Without this information, invoices will be considered non-eligible and rejected.

We recommend you to check with the platform to ensure that the services provided are eligible from an invoicing point of view.

  1. Fill in a summary of the invoice and attach it to the Sesame portal

When preparing their invoices, the platforms attach not only their price list but also the appendices specifying the category, quantity, unit price and user of the services offered.

In this knowledge article, you will find the necessary information about the document to be added to the internal invoices of EPFL platforms.

Useful links

Contact information

Please send us your questions and suggestions at the following addresses:
Séverine Jaques: [email protected]
Tél. +41 21 69 38181

Amandine Missiliez: [email protected]
Tél. +41 21 69 36267
