Customer invoices management

Any sale of goods or services must be the subject of a contract and an invoice. The only exceptions are calls for funds from institutional donors, which provide platforms dedicated to the submission of reports and requests for payments, such as the Swiss National Fund or the European Commission.
Bannière sur la gestion des factures de revenus


Practical advice

Icone contrats

Offer and contract

Any sale of goods or services must be the subject of a contract. This must include at least the name of the client, funder or donor, the amount and currency, the nature of the service, the date of the contract, the period of performance of the service (if applicable) and the deadlines.


Once signed, revenue-generating contracts (research funding, donations, sponsorship, sales of goods or services) are invoiced. The only exceptions are calls for funds from certain institutions (mainly SNSF, Europe).

Collection and recovery

EPFL accepts payments in CHF, EUR, and USD. Means of payments are deposit slip, wire transfer, payment by credit card, PayPal and Stripe for conference registrations.

Customer risk, litigation and prosecution management

Find out how the Accounting Department can help you manage customer risk, litigation and prosecution



Enter an invoice (video)
Validate an invoice (video)

Useful documents

Memory card enter / validate an invoice

Contact Information

To send us your questions or suggestions, please contact the finance support: [email protected]
