Offer and contract

When making contact with a third-party financial contributor or client regarding a service or a sponsoring/donation offer, it is necessary to:

  1. Document the agreement with the third party (purpose, date and conditions).
  2. Determine the price/amount of the service.
All income must be the subject of a written contract. This must, at a minimum, mention:
  • The name of the client, funder or donor.
  • The amount and currency, the nature of the service.
  • The date of the contract, the period during which the service was performed (if applicable).
  • Payements termes and conditions.


Reference documents:

The reference documents for establishing a contract are as follows:



It should be noted that for any contract of more than CHF 50,000, a request to open project funds must be initiated with the Research Office or the Philanthropy Department.

Contact Information

To send us your questions or suggestions, please contact the finance support: [email protected]
