Basic starting salary of Doctoral Assistants and Postdocs

Valid as from 1st January 2024

(Including 13th month salary).

Doctoral Assistants

 1st year

 2nd year

 3rd year

 4th year

 5th year

 6th year


 55, 550

 56, 550

 57, 550

 57, 550

57, 550

For employees commencing during the year, the increase is calculated on a pro rata basis.

An increment of 1,000.- per year may be paid, budgetary resources and economic situation permitting.


 1st year

 2nd year

 3rd year

 4th year





For employees commencing during the year, the increase is calculated on a pro rata basis.

An increment of 1,500.- per year may be paid, budgetary resources and economic situation permitting.


Salaries valid in 2023

(Including 13th month salary).

►Doctoral Assistants

 1st year

 2nd year

 3rd year

 4th year

 5th year

 6th year







For employees commencing during the year, the increase is calculated on a pro rata basis.

An increment of 1,000.- per year may be paid, budgetary resources and economic situation permitting.


 1st year

 2nd year

 3rd year

 4th year





For employees commencing during the year, the increase is calculated on a pro rata basis.

An increment of 1,500.- per year may be paid, budgetary resources and economic situation permitting.