Staff members

Whatever the department, the employee’s career path brings to light specific and unavoidable needs, requiring specific answers that you will find below.

Are you new to EPFL?
⇒ Download the Newcomers’ Guide – pdf

You wish to understand… :
the development, appraisal and objective-setting process
the research and teaching activities
the salary system
practical information concerning your remuneration
the social security system
– the management process for illness/accident and long-term absences – pdf

You want to…:
managing your leaves of absence (vacation, illness, accidents, etc.)
modify your personal information
benefit from EPFL advantages (benefits overview, loyalty bonuses, mortgage loans, offers on SBB passes, teleworking)
evolve professionally, train yourself (Keep Learning @ EPFL)
know the rules of teleworking at EPFL
engage in an ancillary activity (outside EPFL)
consult the Laws and Regulations
leaving EPFL

Do you have a specific question?
Consult our frequently asked questions or check the list of our HR experts.