Plagiarism and the fabrication and falsification of results are serious offenses and are subject to sanctions and even legal proceedings. Recourse to such practice is incompatible with the UNIL Charter, which stipulates that the university ‘aims to produce and communicate knowledge validated by collective processes of verification and which imply honesty, independence, debate and transparency.’ (UNIL Management Directive 0.3: Code of ethics regarding citation and use of sources)
Definition: Plagiarism is the taking of another’s (even partial) text and presenting it as one’s own by failing to quote the source(s). It includes both isolated cases (i.e. occurring once only) and the rewording of texts. (UNIL Management Directive 3.15.1)
In addition, the copying or pirating of computer software, books or other available material (especially in the Multimedia Centre) is forbidden.
Copying or hacking into the material (digital, printed or in other form) in the Multimedia Centre (online or in any other format) is forbidden.