
Accred is an access control system that answers the question: Who is entitled to what and when?

More and more services provided by the different Vice Presidencies use Accred for access control, for example access to the School’s internal computer network, access to buildings (CAMIPRO), access to inventories, etc.

A correct answer to the question of who is entitled to what and when is becoming more and more important as the number of intrusion attempts increases with time.

EPFL is an institution where many people study or work in numerous research laboratories or administrative units, so it is essential to have a complete register of all persons having an activity in these EPFL units and to use this register as a basis for access control. In summary, the objectives are:

  • To have an official register of all persons needing access to EPFL resources, by coordinating information from different EPFL services (Human Resources, Registrar’s Office, …)
  • Allow decentralized management of the registry to allow each unit of the School to work independently
  • Manage access to some of the School’s IT and logistics client applications (network, e-mail, directory, work requisitions, etc.)
  • To control the rights at the time of transfer or departure of the people