Statuses and classes


The status of a person at EPFL is classified into 4 categories:

  • Student
  • Staff
  • Host
  • Outside EPFL

Each status also defines default properties, used to calculate the permissions given during accreditation.

‘Staff’ status

The ‘staff’ status is the status automatically assigned by Human Resources. It corresponds to the employees of the School.

By default, it includes the following properties:

  • Appearance in the unit’s web directory;
  • Have an Active Directory account;
  • Access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card;
  • Edit the People profile;
  • Use myNAS file storage;
  • Appearance on the distribution lists of the unit;
  • Have a phone number;
  • Print with the unit’s myPrint credits.

By default, it includes the following rights:

  • Access to the School’s WIFI and VPN
  • Access to software purchased by the School (Distrilog)

‘Student’ status

The status “Student” is automatically assigned via the data provided by the Academic Service (IS-Academia)

By default, it includes the following properties:

  • Appearance in the unit’s web directory;
  • Have an Active Directory account;
  • Access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card;
  • Edit the People profile;
  • Use myNAS file storage;
  • Appear on the distribution lists of the unit;
  • Print with the unit’s myPrint credits.

By default, it includes the following right:

  • Access to the School’s WIFI and VPN

‘Host’ status

The “host” status is used for a person working at EPFL who participates in administrative, research and/or teaching activities within an EPFL unit, but without being a staff member. Its activities are governed by a contract where the identity of the person is explicitly mentioned. A person who has this status can benefit from certain services and/or benefits, except those reserved for staff members or the student body. It is a third party not under EPFL

For example: guest professor, host professor, academic host, doctoral assistant or doctoral student without EPFL contract, intern, etc.

In accordance with LEX 4.2.6, EPFL professors emeritus have host status.

By default, it includes the following properties:

  • Appearance in the unit’s web directory;
  • Have an Active Directory account;
  • Access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card;
  • Use myNAS file storage;
  • Appear on the distribution lists of the unit;
  • Print with the unit’s myPrint credits.

By default, it includes the following rights:

  • Access to the School’s WIFI and VPN

In order to use EPFL’s electronic infrastructure, a third party not under EPFL within the meaning of Art. 13 of the ETHS Act is required to sign a commitment to comply with the provisions of LEX 6.1.4 (in French, English) as well as appropriate additional provisions (in French, English) taking into account their status as a third-party user. This paragraph does not apply to users who are not administrators of open access systems.

The unit must also check that the rights given to the third party correspond to its needs to carry out its mission but no more. In the event of a check, the unit must be able to provide the necessary supporting documents.

Status ‘Outside EPFL’

This status is used for a person who must have access to services and/or benefits, in a restricted manner to carry out activities on our campus. It is a third party not under EPFL.

For example: consultant, representative, civilist, etc…

By default, it includes the following properties:

  • Appearance in the unit’s web directory;
  • Access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card;
  • Print with the unit’s myPrint credits.

In order to use EPFL’s electronic infrastructure, a third party not under EPFL within the meaning of Art. 13 of the ETHS Act is required to sign a commitment to comply with the provisions of LEX 6.1.4 (in French, English) as well as appropriate additional provisions (in French, English) taking into account their status as a third-party user. This paragraph does not apply to users who do not administrators of open access systems.

The unit must also check that the rights given to the third party correspond to its needs to carry out its mission but no more. In the event of a check, the unit must be able to provide the necessary supporting documents.


Classes make it possible to define the main categories of staff and students. They are mainly used for the creation of automatically generated distribution lists every night. They correspond to the categories recognized by the Human Resources Department or the Academic Service.

People with host status or outside EPFL do not have a defined class. Non-EPFLs are not part of the unit’s automatic distribution lists.

Each class also defines default properties that replace those of the statuses, used to calculate the permissions given during accreditation. In general, they are used for on-boarding staff, future students, ex-registered students

In case of accreditation of a new Professor, please use the “Scientific Staff” class. If the data is validated by the Faculty Affairs, the class will automatically update the next day.

List of classes for Personal status

  • Apprentice
  • Assistant
  • Lecturer
  • Faculty *
  • Scientific staff
  • Technical/administrative staff
  • Full Professor/M.E.R. *
  • Secretary or Administrator-ice
  • Trainee

* The “Professor’s Body” and “Professors’ Professors/M.E.R.” classes are not accessible to accreditors. They are reserved for data endorsed by the Faculty Affairs.

List of classes for Student status

  • auditor
  • PhD student
  • Ex-registered student
  • Future doctoral students
  • Outside the frame
  • Postgrade
  • Diploma path