- Description
- Property ‘Apply in the unit’s web directory’
- ‘Have an Active Directory account’ property
- Property ‘Access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card’
- Property ‘Edit People Profile’
- Property ‘Appear in the unit’s mailing lists’
- Property ‘Use MyNAS file storage’
- Property ‘Have a phone number’
- Property ‘Print with the unit’s myPrint credits’
- Property ‘Have a verified EPFL identity’
Some authorizations (see below) are automatically given to a person depending on the choice of status or class of accreditation.
For example, when a person is accredited in a unit with Personal status, they automatically have storage space there.
The accreditor can modify this automatic behavior if necessary using the authorization property:
- Yes: gives the authorization that is not given automatically
- No: removes the authorization given automatically
These authorizations are given in the unit where the person is accredited, which is why they are attached to the accreditation, for example the presence in the mailing list of the unit, or the right to have storage space in the unit, etc.
Property ‘Apply in the unit’s web directory’
Allows the person to appear in the EPFL web directory and on their people profile as a member of the unit (people.epfl.ch).
Enabled by default for all
For more information, please consult the Help of the People service.
‘Have an Active Directory account’ property
Allows the person to have a user account in Active Directory (winad.epfl.ch), a prerequisite for email, telephony, Windows workstation, etc.
ATTENTION: for the “Excluding EPFL” status, the “Have an Active Directory account” property must be explicitly set to yes for the accreditation concerned, but only if the situation requires it.
Enabled by default for personal, student and host statuses
For more information, please consult the Active Directory service documentation. (authentication required)
Property ‘Access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card’
Allows the person to access the unit’s premises with the CAMIPRO card (mycamipro.epfl.ch). Physical access management is delegated to the access managers of each faculty or unit.
Enabled by default for all
For more information, please consult the Camipro service documentation.
Property ‘Edit People Profile’
Allows the person to edit the People profile (people.epfl.ch). People with Hors-EPFL status cannot edit their pages.
Enabled by default for personal, student and host statuses
For more information, please consult the Help of the People service.
Property ‘Appear in the unit’s mailing lists’
Allows the person to appear in the different automatic mailing lists defined for the unit.
Distribution lists are automatically generated every night.
Accredited persons with a “Excluding EPFL” status do not automatically benefit from this property.
Enabled by default for personal, student and host statuses
For more information, please consult the distribution list documentation.
Property ‘Use MyNAS file storage’
Allows the person to use MyNAS file storage (mynas.epfl.ch) This service is reserved for people accredited in an EPFL teaching unit or section.
The following quotas are available depending on the status of the person:
- 2GB/student
- 10GB/collaborator
- 3GB/host
Enabled by default for personal and student status
For more information, please visit mynas.epfl.ch (authentication required).
Property ‘Have a phone number’
Allows the person to have a phone number at EPFL (uc.epfl.ch).
Third parties working at EPFL whose mandate requires them to express themselves on behalf of EPFL can benefit from a personal telephone number, for this they must also hold an EPFL email address.
It is then enough to activate this property.
The third party will then automatically receive within 24 hours a message in their EPFL email box indicating their phone number and the information to install and use a softphone as well as the steps to obtain devices such as a headset, a webcam, or a phone.
Enabled by default for personal, student and host statuses
For more information, please consult the Atela documentation.
Property ‘Print with the unit’s myPrint credits’
Allows the person to print with the myPrint service using the credits available in their unit.
Enabled by default for all
For more information, please see the myPrint documentation.
Property ‘Have a verified EPFL identity’
Allows the person to have a controlled EPFL identity. This allows the person to access certain services that require a level of identification that requires an official ID with a photo and a visual check of the person to attest that the person matches the official photo.
By activating this property, the accreditor attests that this control has been done.
Enabled by default for personal