The recommendations and general provisions on the use of the various social networks for and within EPFL are shown below.

EPFL provides these guidelines about the presence of the university and its entities on social networks.
This document may be changed at any time, depending on how social media change over time and the use that can be made of these media.
To the extent possible, EPFL recommends that you refer to this document when using social networks in connection with EPFL.
The Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (hereinafter EPFL) regularly publishes content on social networks in a coordinated manner through its Media and Communication Department (hereinafter Mediacom).
The departments, faculties, laboratories, student associations, student groups and groups of individuals sharing a common interest in connection with EPFL (hereinafter EPFL entities) are invited to follow the recommendations presented in this document when publishing content on their own channels.
EPFL and EPFL entities publish content on existing social networks, without any particular restriction as to the channels selected other than how relevant they are to the activities concerned.
The official presence of EPFL on these networks is determined, organised, implemented and managed by Mediacom.
The presence or not of EPFL entities on these networks is decided and managed by these entities themselves. Recommendations with regard to this are listed below (section Roles).
Each EPFL entity is free to organise its presence on social networks by referring to these guidelines and without requiring any special authorisation. By contrast, entities are strongly recommended to get in touch with Mediacom for advice if they have difficulties in interpreting any of the points or stages required to establish an online presence.
Any online presence by EPFL entities must be continuous over time and regular. If an entity does not have the resources/availability required to ensure an online presence over the long term (for example when organising a bi-annual, annual or one-off event), other forms of presence can be organised such as presence on EPFL’s official channels for example. The advantage is that this provides much greater visibility. Entities wishing to resort to this solution are requested to get in touch with Mediacom.
Mediacom manages EPFL’s official social media accounts and has the following missions:
– share information and varied multimedia content in connection with EPFL on official channels;
– share EPFL’s important scientific and academic activities;
– promote science and culture directly related to EPFL;
– promote EPFL entities and their activities on the official channels;
– promote partnerships, collaboration and other activities between EPFL and third party agencies or institutions for the purposes of research, education, culture, to promote science or for academic purposes. These collaboration initiatives and activities must be non-commercial and non-profit.
Mediacom reserves the right to refuse to share information or media from a third party, whether affiliated to EPFL or not, based on its editorial schedule or without having to give any specific reason.
EPFL entities who manage their own accounts have the following missions:
– carry out regular activity on the site by sharing information and content about activities that is of general interest to their audience and to EPFL as a whole.
– publish content that best complies with the various points mentioned in this document.
EPFL entities select a name when creating a presence on social networks. This name should as often as possible be the same as their official name and be the same across all channels on which they decide to be present. It is recommended to have EPFL as part of the name for departments and faculties.
For example: EPFL Events, EPFL Culture, EPFL Library…
This is not necessary in the case of proper nouns (for example: Smart Living Lab, Swiss Space Center).
By posting on social networks, EPFL entities undertake to produce quality and varied content which promotes EPFL’s image and which is respectful of its staff and students. As much as possible, they integrate multimedia content (photos, illustrations or videos) into their publications. The content posted is relevant and presented in a precise and concise manner.
Any multimedia content that is not temporary will be designed for optimum display on internet and social network formats. To the extent possible, pictures will be loaded in high quality, videos will be in full HD (1920×1080), properly referenced and with captions and sub-titles if necessary.
Any content that is violent, insulting, vulgar, obscene, degrading or inciting to hatred is banned on all accounts having an evident connection with EPFL. Any content that would seriously damage EPFL’s image and/or that of its community is also prohibited.
Only the Mediacom Department is entitled to speak on behalf of the EPFL institution on the official channels indicated in this document.
Other entities only speak on behalf of their department / faculty / association / group. They are only entitled to reply to questions from individuals about their area of competence and are asked to direct users who have general questions about EPFL to the official channels. If in doubt, they should always direct the individual to Mediacom.
EPFL entities must differentiate themselves from other EPFL entities on social networks through their content, but also their general appearance (cover photos, profile picture, name).
Profile photos use the logo of the entity if it has one. For EPFL faculties, departments and laboratories a logo derived from the official EPFL logo is made available by Mediacom.
For associations, the same logo used on official documents and websites must be used. Cover pictures are preferably photographs showing the entity, its members, activities or premises. However, very broad freedom of interpretation is tolerated as long as content recommendations are complied with (see above, section Content).
EPFL and its entities express themselves in French and / or English. Publications will be drafted in both languages when a certain proportion (> 20%) of the target audience does not speak French and if the social network used allows this.
EPFL and EPFL entities undertake not to publish confidential data concerning EPFL, its students, alumni, staff, departments, faculties or associations. Photographs of clearly identifiable people or information about individuals must be published with their consent.
Any person responsible for managing an EPFL entity’s online presence is required to protect their connection data (user name, password, etc.) in order to prevent channels connected with EPFL from being usurped. Administrators provide sufficiently secure access to access peripheral devices (smartphone, laptop, tablet,…).
Sharing of information upstream (prior to posting) and downstream (direct sharing of posts) between EPFL entities is encouraged, particularly if they are linked by a mutual interest.
That is why EPFL entities present on social networks are encouraged to follow / subscribe to the channels of other entities with whom they may have points in common (participation in an event, similar audience, etc.).