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- Tags can only be assigned to posts.
- Read this page if you have any doubts about the use of categories or tags.
- If you wish to assign tags in a second stage, i.e. when the post has already been published, don’t forget to update it.
Assign a new tag
- In the right column, make sure the Document tab is active, if not, click on it.
- Click in the Add New Tag field and enter a keyword, separate them with commas if you want to put more than one.
- Click on Add
Assign an existing tag
- In the right column, make sure the Document tab is active, if not, click on it.
- Click on Choose from the most used tags
- Click on the desired tag
Removing a tag
- In the right column, make sure the Document tab is active, if not, click on it.
- Click on the small cross next to the tag
Modify a tag
- From the WordPress side menu, drag the cursor to Posts and then from the submenu, choose Tags
- Drag the cursor over the tag you want to change and choose Change.
Note: Quick edit only allows you to change the name of the tag.
- Make the desired changes and click on Update
Delete a tag
- From the WordPress side menu, drag the cursor to Posts and then from the submenu, choose Tags
- Drag the cursor to the tag you want to delete and choose Delete.
- A warning message is displayed, click on OK