Online help & tutorials for the web

Many specific tools and applications are available to publish public information on the web, for external communication.

  • These tools (or services) are regularly updated and maintained.
  • Support, help and courses are guaranteed.
  • Respect of security rules and data protection.
Aide WordPress EPFL

EPFL CMS (Content Manager System) to make your unit website with EPFL corporate layout.

Photomontage de silhouettes sur le campus © Alain Herzog + Mediacom/SI / EPFL, 2022

Personal page for EPFL professors, staff and students.

Usine d'impression

Publish news and request a news channel for your unit. Subscribe to it.


Calendar of EPFL events, global and for a specific unit. Make an announcement. Subscribe to a memento.

Caméra vidéo numérique de TV-haute définition de la production professionnels

Plateform to share and upload videos and courses to Switchtube, with access rights management.

Grue de levage de conteneurs

Web server for autonomous management of a small website (for IT expert).

Page d'accueil

Map (geolocation) of the EPFL campuses.

Points d’interrogation avec jeune femme

Inscriptions, sondages et questionnaires.
