Update my information

  • Each collaborator or student can update his people page via the ‘edit my page’ button in the top right corner.
  • The layout of a people page is the same for everyone, in order to keep consistency between profiles.
  • The ‘contact’ paragraph is displayed by default, without the possibility of making it invisible: these data have been set by your accreditor in the official EPFL directory.
  • An ‘on/off’ icon is displayed next to each element. It allows you to display or hide the content according to your preference.
    Visibilité d'une information sur people
  • Don’t forget to save a page after modifying it.

People page operations

Modify name(s) and surname(s)

And displaying your many names!

Changer no de téléphone, adresse, bureau, fonction

Changer ses contacts tels que saisis par votre accréditeur·rice.

Add general information

Such as website, nationality, availability …

Add publications

Extraction from Infoscience…