Help on is the EPFL online newspaper. Each laboratory or service unit can benefit from its own channel to manage its news, share it with others, and include it on its web pages.
Laboratories are able to publish on their own channel their latest publications, news of awards they have received, nominations, etc. A service unit is able to communicate important information, a deadline that concerns EPFL, a new directive to which everyone must pay attention.
In the EPFL search engine, the “news” tab allows to search specifically for informations within all of the published articles.
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Sample post 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque suscipit sollicitudin erat eget cursus. Duis bibendum nibh et mi rutrum, et ultrices urna auctor.
Sample post 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque suscipit sollicitudin erat eget cursus. Duis bibendum nibh et mi rutrum, et ultrices urna auctor.