- Log in to your news channel, to which you want to add a newsletter.
- Make sure that all the articles to be sent in your future newsletter are published
in your channel, for each language.
- Make sure you choose a valid shipping address in the ‘Options’ > ‘Preferences’ menu. If you neglect this step, your newsletter will be sent by a vulgar and anonymous ‘[email protected]’ of the worst kind.
- Choose ‘Create a newsletter‘ (in French or in English) in the ‘Newsletter’ menu. Only the existing articles in French can be selected to be sent in a newsletter in French (idem for English). It is not possible to mix articles from both languages.
- The chosen title is displayed in the subject line of the sent email.
- A short information text allows you to introduce your newsletter before adding articles.
- Putting the name of an author, with a link, allows you to personalize your mailing.
Click on ‘Save’ to be able to add articles to your newsletter.
You can now add articles to the newsletter, but only articles published in the newsletter channel and in the working language of the newsletter. If some published articles should not appear on your web page (or channel), do not forget to check the ‘visibility’ box when you write them.
- In the left column, these are the articles that can be added in the newsletter.
- In the right column, the articles that have been added to the newsletter (this column is therefore empty at the beginning).
For each article that you want to add to the newsletter, click on the ‘Add’ button on the right of your articles.
- Click on ‘Save’ to save your work.
- Click on ‘Save and preview’ to save and check its content and appearance (website and email version) before publishing it online. It is always possible to modify it via the ‘Edit’ button.
An edition saved but not published does not appear online.
- After saving your newsletter, you can publish it via the ‘Publish’ button.
A published newsletter appears on your news channel, in the right column of your channel and of all your articles. - However, it has not been sent to anyone. To broadcast it via email, you must send it.
- By clicking on ‘Send the newsletter’, your newsletter is sent to all your subscribers.
It is possible to add people by inserting their email in the ad hoc field. These people will receive the edition you just composed, but their names will not be added in the list of your subscribers. - Be careful not to ‘Send’ the same newsletter several times to your addressees, some might be very sensitive to spams.