Broadcast of events organized at/by EPFL
To publish an announcement on the EPFL memento is to ensure the best possible visibility for your event.
- The main EPFL memento displays the major events, by categories (conferences, theses…).
- Each school, some labs and services, have its own memento.
- The associations also have their own memento, combined with a newsletter, to provide information on the amazing campus life.
Each employee or student is encouraged to post their announcements on memento, but these announcements are subjected to moderation.
The thesis announcements are made exclusively by the Academic Service.
For the readers
Read all event announcements at EPFL. Receive a summary by email of the forcoming events.
For the contributors
Post an announcement that will be broadcast at key locations and ensure your event gets the media coverage it deserves. Send an email reminder of an ad at any time.
For the communications officer / webmaster
Manage and moderate a local memento for your lab or service. Enrich your memento with announcements from others. Automatically display event announcements on a web page.
Memento newsfeed
- Read notifications about memento system updates (in French)