Broadcast the announcement in a memento
You must choose in which mementos you wish your announcement to be published. Make an intelligent selection for it to have the highest visibility.
The primary mementos are the EPFL memento, the faculty mementos and the association mementos (all linked on the horizontal banner at the top of each page). Many laboratories and institutes have local mementos in which you can also publish your announcements.
Click on ‘Save & broadcast’.- If you have already closed your announcement’s text, you can find the ‘Save & broadcast’ button by going back to the text using ‘Modify’ (In ‘My events’ > ‘Modify my event announcements’).
Click on ‘Modify’
- Select the mementos that you have chosen for publication. To broadcast your announcement on a memento not listed in the main mementos, type the first letters of the desired memento in the field under the column “My favorite mementos”. A drop-down menu will appear below with the list of mementos that meet your search criteria. Click on the desired memento in this list. It will be added to your list of favorite mementos and the box indicating that you wish to publish your announcement in this list will be ticked by default.
- Click on “Broadcast” to send a submission request to the memento’s moderators.
- You can also modify the announcement if its preview does not suite you.
Your announcement will be published as soon as your request is accepted: the requests are independent for each memento, even if it is the same announcement.
Any subsequent changes will be reflected in all mementos where the announcement is accepted.