Locating a person

  1. Add the EPFL Map block
  2. In the drop-down menu, choose A name or a place.
  3. Enter the name of the desired person
    In the case of a homonymy, specify the first and last name
    • Example with a name: Natalie Meystre

Display a place

Use this option to locate named premises, such as buildings, restaurants or certain areas / services

  1. Add the EPFL Map block
  2. In the drop-down menu, choose A name or a place.
  3. Enter the name of the place.
    Examples for a place: RLC, Epicure, Helpdesk

Display a specific location

Use this search to locate a room according to its address

  1. Add the EPFL Map block
  2. In the drop-down menu, choose A room number
  3. Enter the address of the room
    Example for a specific room: MA A0 393

Display location using other criteria

It is possible to use the advanced filter or search tools of map.epfl.ch

  1. On map.epfl.ch click on the small menu at the top left
    (framed in red on the image below)
  2. Select your points of interest, i.e. the information you wish to display/filter
  3. Click in the map
  4. In the address bar, select the URL and copy it
  5. Add the EPFL Map block
  6. Choose An URL copy-pasted from map.epfl.ch in the drop-down menu
  7. In the field below, paste the copied URL.


A place

A specific location | Room number

An URL copy-pasted from map.epfl.ch (bornes camipro)