Week-end in Taizé (France)

Are you up for  a good week-end? According to your needs you can enjoy the calm of the place or socialize with people coming from all over the world. And why not both?

With other vistors we share simple meals, worshops, walks, and three daily celebations with the oecumenic community of brothers of Taizé known for their simplicity,  etc.

When ?

From Friday 21 March (departure around 4pm) to Sunday 23 March 2025 (around 6pm).

How much ?

50 Sfr for the road, the nights and the meals.

Please transfer this amount when you register via this link to IBAN account CH08 0900 0000 1001 7481 2 (mention: WE à Taizé). The money must not be an obstacle. Please contact me if necessary.

See you

Information by email