Leisure activities and BoxUp

On the EPFL campus, you’ll find equipment and space to move and play. We hope you enjoy your sports and/or leisure activities. And if you feel like taking a shower after your workout, you’ll find their location on plan.epfl.ch (equipments -> sanitary).
EPFL, in partnership with the Service Sport Santé UNIL+EPFL, installed two BoxUp stations around the Rolex Learning Center, one opposite the Montreux Jazz Café and the other opposite the Epicure. Each station contains six lockers with equipment for individual or group sports and leisure activities. To take advantage of these free facilities, simply register on the BoxUp application: https://boxup.app/mobile-application/.
Montreux Jazz Café BoxUp equipment:
- Kubb
- Slackline
- Juggling and balancing kit
- Rugby and soccer balls
- Petanque game
- Body-building kit
BoxUp Epicure equipment:
- Volleyball
- Speedminton game
- Body-building kit
- Spikeball
- Passing games
- Mölkky
This ever-changing map will help you find ping pong tables, chess boards, petanque courts and street workout areas on campus.
Leisure activities
This ever-changing map will help you find ping pong tables, chess boards, petanque courts and street workout areas on campus.