Visit EPFL

Welcome to EPFL! Find all the information you need to visit the School’s campuses.

Accueil de l'EPFL au Rolex Learning Center

Welcome Desk EPFL

The Welcome desk is the focal point for any information related to EPFL.

Carte de la Suisse avec les différents campus de l'EPFL signalés: Lausanne, Genève, Neuchâtel, Fribourg et Sion

Getting to the EPFL campuses

Maps for getting around EPFL campuses, and how to get there on public transportation, by car or by bicyble.

Image de synthèse représentant le plan du campus EPFL à Ecublens, imprimé sur une feuille et posé sur un sol minéral

Campus map

Explore the EPFL with our online map or via the app in real time. Download the orientation map for offline access.

Vue de la place Ada Lovelace. Des personnes marchant dessus - 2020 EPFL/Xurxo-Adrián Entenza - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Guided tours

Discover EPFL through our guided tours! Explore the campus and its unique atmosphere.

Vue aérienne du campus, avec coucher du soleil sur le Jura © Jamani Caillet / EPFL 2020


Innovative, the School’s architectural achievements have been widely praised at national and international level. Discover some of its flagship buildings.

Des personnes faec à un pannneau d'affichage sous le bâtiment BM du campus lausannois © Adrien Buttier

Advertising on campus

Best practices in posting, promotion and commercial actions on EPFL campuses