Applicants seeking admission to an upper year of the Bachelor’s program are not allowed to apply after the April 30th deadline.
For admission to the first year of the Bachelor’s program, it is possible to apply between May 1st and July 31rd provided that one holds an appropriate school certificate and that one fulfills at least one of the required conditions.
Les certificats donnant droit au dépôt d’une candidature tardive (à condition de remplir au moins une des conditions ci-dessous) sont les suivants :
Certificates allowing for a late application (provided that at least one of the conditions below is fulfilled) are as follows:
- a Swiss maturité gymnasiale
- a Swiss maturité professionnelle or spécialisée (with or without the supplementary exam, previously ‘DUBS gateway’)
- a foreign or non-state certificate that allows for admission within the limit of available places
Conditions allowing for a late application (provided that one holds one of the certificates above) are as follows:
- to have applied no later than April 30th for admission to another Swiss institution of higher education
- to have definitely failed, after April 30th, a study program at a Swiss cantonal University (in a field not taught at EPFL), in a Swiss HES, or in a Swiss HEP
- to have moved, after April 30th, to a canton in Western Switzerland (Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais, or Vaud), from a foreign country, for a professional reason (because they work in Switzerland or because they live with parents who work in Switzerland)
- to have been exempted, after April 30th, of a long-term obligation to serve (recruit school, civilian service, etc.)
- to have lost, after April 30th, a permanent occupation at a rate equal or superior to 50%
Holders of a maturité professionnelle or spécialisée without the supplementary exam can be accepted to CMS. All others can be accepte to the first year only. Holders of a maturité gymnasiale who subit a late application may not ask to be accepted into the CMS on a voluntary basis.
Holders of a foreign or non-state certificate who submit a late application may not benefit from the special admission criteria for Swiss people and for foreigners who reside in Switzerland for professional reasons.
Late applications are subject to an additional preliminary tax of Fr. 150.-. The usual application fees are due when the application is submitted.
Applicants who wish to apply after the April 30th deadline are kindly required to get in touch with the Student Services Desk, no later than July 31st, with a document attesting the completion of the required school-leaving certificate, as well as proof that one of the above-mentioned conditions is fulfilled by the applicant.
The usual admission conditions apply. The late application may therefore be rejected after it has been submitted and evaluated after its completion.