Deep dive into research

The core of the Summer in the Lab program is the applied research component. During an eight-week supervised internship in an EPFL lab, students have the opportunity to explore or confirm their interest in research.

Whether you are passionate about the environment that research drawn or you are just curious to understand how it really looks like in a laboratory, a practical internship will undoubtedly develop your scientific reasoning abilities, increase your understanding of specific and complex matters, and improve your teamwork and communication abilities.

A stimulating research community

EPFL has a diverse, committed and stimulating research community that is active over a wide spectrum of quantitative and design-focused disciplines. Interdisciplinary projects, international collaborations and initiatives at the forefront of innovation and technology characterize the School’s research visions.

Critical areas such as data science, personalized health, biomedical engineering, energy, robotics and advanced manufacturing are addressed to engage in crucial societal challenges while ensuring that Switzerland remains at the cutting edge of modern technology.

Watch the videos below to learn more about the participants’ motivations, expectations and learning outcomes.

Research Symposium

Following the research internship, all students will present their scientific work during a research symposium opened to EPFL members, lab supervisors, the SIL program stakeholders and the general public.

Each participant will showcase their research project with a three-minute oral presentation or a poster. The aim of this event is to highlight the students’ work and give them the floor to present their experience and findings. They will also get the opportunity to discover the projects of their peers in other fields. The next event will take place on Thursday September 18th, 2025.


For further information on the Summer in the Lab internship program, please contact us:

[email protected]

Centre Midi – CM2 348
Station 10
CH – 1015 Lausanne

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