Computer Science

It is virtually impossible to imagine a world without the innovations introduced through computer science. Present in society’s infrastructures, it is deployed through technologies of every kind – from micro-sensors to high-performance machines. We entrust computers with tasks that are more complex than what we have been able to undertake so far. The study of computer science aims to understand better the reality we live in.

Belonging both to science and technology, computer science enables unbelievable amounts of data to be processed in record time and converted into images, sound, or video. A computer is made up of hardware components that can be incredibly complex and that enable extremely varied tasks to be performed.

Computer science is crucial for all scientific and technical fields. Moreover, its importance is being felt increasingly in the media world but also in unexpected fields like dance or theater: directors and choreographers use new forms of reality created by computer techniques more than ever.

Program presentation

By deciding to study computer science at EPFL, students receive broad training focusing on the entirety of a field that is constantly changing. They tackle every aspect related to developing innovative applications, from the choice of system components to the definition of the architecture, by way of the specification and the implementation of its functionalities. Furthermore, they have the opportunity to evolve within an environment in which there are countless examples of the uses of their future specialization.

Bachelor: simplified study plan

Classes during the 1st year are given jointly to computer science students and communication systems students. They all receive the fundamental basics in mathematics, computer science, and information science. Furthermore, a project enables them to have their first real experience of their future specialization. At the end of the preliminary year, students can choose to remain in Computer Science or to change to Communication Systems.

During the 2nd and 3rd years, students pursue their basic training in mathematics and physics as well as in computer science fields with classes dealing with systems architecture, databases, or programming languages. They are also given the chance to develop additional knowledge in physics, mathematics, and life sciences. This is a useful opportunity for them with a view to working with these fields at some future point.

Master: prospects

This Master’s study program offers several specializations (30 ECTS):

  • computer engineering
  • computer science theory
  • cyber security
  • data analytics
  • foundations of software
  • internet information systems
  • networking and mobility
  • signals, images and interfaces
  • software systems
  • wireless communications

Detailed information

Data science extracts knowledge by analysis of large, noisy, complex, and often heterogeneous data. It is not only a new research paradigm but also at the root of innovative applications in all sectors of the economy. The goal of this Master’s program is to place students at the forefront of this exciting development.

Detailed information

In collaboration with ETH Zurich, this Master’s joint-degree program offers a broad set of courses such as cryptography, formal methods, systems, network and wireless security. It aims to provide both foundational and applied knowledge in this quickly expanding domain by leveraging expertise from both universities.

Detailed information

Other programs are also open after graduating with the Bachelor’s degree, in particular some interdisciplinary Master’s programs.
Further information on Master’s study programs.

Please note that the information regarding the programs’ structure as well as the simplified study plan may be subject to change and that these are no legally binding. Only the official regulations and study plans are binding.

Career prospects

Computer science is a field in a continuous state of revolution. During their studies the students acquire the fundamental concepts they will use again and again throughout their careers.

Along with their versatility and adaptability, their command of computational thinking and abstraction will allow them to operate in areas still completely unknown when they began their studies – in the same way that the management of gigantic databases, virtual reality, machine learning and many other things were unheard of ten years ago.

From R&D to project management, in fields as different as finance, pharmaceuticals, advertising and entertainment, computer science engineers can take advantage of an immense variety of professional opportunities. They could also go on to set up their own business or, for those looking to specialize or to pursue an academic career, they could join a PhD program.


To learn more about this program, please use the following contacts:

+41 21 693 52 08

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