Dive into the world of STEM!

Fancy building an optical heart rate monitor? Or discovering aquatic ecosystems in streams? How about creating an earthquake-resistant structure? Or following in the footsteps of astronauts by recreating the first walk on the moon?

During this study week, you will explore a host of exciting uses for the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, math).

In the various modules, you will actively contribute to solving problems, as well as collecting samples and working on specific applications such as robotics, medical technology or the development
of new materials.

The pre-university week takes place on the EPFL Campus, which allows you to experience how it is like to live and study in another language region.

Informations pratiques

Dates et lieu
Du 1er au 4 juillet 2024, à l’EPFL (Lausanne)
De 9h à 17h (à confirmer); un programme détaillé contenant les horaires définitifs sera envoyé aux participantes et participants.
Public cible
Élèves des gymnases dès la fin de la 1ère année.
CHF 50.- (hors TVA).
Le repas de midi du premier jour sera offert. Les repas de midi des autres jours et les éventuels frais de logement sont à la charge des participantes et participants.
Les frais d’inscription des élèves des gymnases vaudois sont pris en charge par le programme PLUS du Canton de Vaud.
Les inscriptions sont closes.

Chaque élève peut s’inscrire à une semaine pré-universitaire par année scolaire.
Des exceptions peuvent être envisagées s’il y a suffisamment de places disponibles.
Le Service de promotion de l’éducation se tient à disposition pour toute question: [email protected]

Past editions

This pre-university STEM immersion study week was created by EPFL’s Education Outreach Department in cooperation with Gymnasium Lerbermatt, as part of the School’s effort to promote STEM subjects. From 2023, the immersion study week will be open to all gymnasium students in German-speaking Switzerland.

2019 summer school for the Gymnasium Lerbermatt STEM class

Read the article

Within the context of an existing partnership, EPFL organized this week-long immersion program for students of Gymnasium Lerbermatt (Köniz) as part of the School’s work to promote STEM subjects. The annual pre-university study weeks offer an interdisciplinary immersion in science and technology, as well as providing an introduction to the EPFL Campus and student life.