Master info days 26+27.02.2025
Shape your future
Discover the range of possibilities offered by EPFL Master’s degrees thanks to presentations and information booths.
In order to allow Bachelor’s students to make an informed choice for their future Master’s degree and to design their study plan accordingly, the Education Outreach Department in collaboration with the EPFL Schools and Colleges is offering you a two-day event dedicated to the promotion of Master’s degrees. Each program will be presented in the form of a conference, and program representatives as well as students will be available to discuss requirements for admission.
This event will also be an opportunity to explore the wide range of possibilities offered by Master’s cycle: orientations, disciplinary or interdisciplinary minors, or double degrees – flexibility is at the forefront at this level of EPFL’s curriculum.
Program 2025
Wednesday 26th February: Presentations
- 12:15-13:15
- Overall presentation – CO1
- 17:30-18:00
- Statistics – AAC 014
Molecular and Biological Chemistry / Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology – AAC 120 - 18:15-18:45
- Neuro-X – SG 1
Civil Engineering – AAC 008
Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Micro- & Nanotechnologies for Integrated Systems – AAC 014
Management, Technology and Entrepreneurship – AAC 020 - 19:00-19:30
- Robotics / Minors – SG 1
Environmental Sciences and Engineering – AAC 008
Sustainable Management and Technology – AAC 020
Overall presentation
Wednesday 26th February and Thursday 27th February, 12:15-13:15, CO1
What are the differences between orientations, specializations and minors? How do these options fit into the Master’s cycle, and how do you choose the right combinations? This presentation by the Associate Vice Presidency for Education will answer all your questions and help you build your future study plan according to your interests and career aspirations. It’s the perfect way to personalize your curriculum and diversify your profile.
Thursday 27th February: Presentations
- 12:15-13:15
- Overall presentation – CO 1
- 17:30-18:00
- Materials Science and Engineering – SG 0217
Computational Science and Engineering – AAC 231
Energy Science and Technology – SG 0211
Financial Engineering – SG 0213 - 18:15-18:45
- Digital Humanities – AAC 008
Urban Systems – AAC 014
Microengineering / Minors (until 19:30!) – AAC 231
Quantum Science and Engineering – SG 0211
Nuclear Engineering – SG 0213 - 19:00-19:30
- Life Sciences Engineering (for students outside the SV section only) – AAC 008
Computer Science / Cyber Security / Data Science – SG 0211
Mechanical Engineering – SG 0213
Master’s programs
EPFL offers 29 Master’s programs. They are designed to be flexible and give students the opportunity to customize their curricula according to their aspirations. The programs are distributed among the five faculties and two colleges that make up the School.
Avec une dizaine de mineurs interdisciplinaires et le double de mineurs disciplinaires, les étudiantes et étudiants de l’EPFL ont de nombreuses possibilités de compléter leur formation par un bloc thématique et d’ainsi diversifier leur profil selon leurs intérêts et leur aspirations professionnelles.
Double degrees
Double degrees and joint Master’s degrees are demanding and selective programs that offer talented students the opportunity to develop skills that complement those acquired in the basic training of their home institution, at national or international level.
Admission requirements and registration
Information about admission to a Master’s program at EPFL.