Center for Digital Education

We support teaching and learning through online content, digital tools and learning analytics. We bring the latest learning technology research into everyday practice.

Our mission

The mission of the Center for Digital Education is to explore and exploit the advances in digital technologies for education. Digital technologies encompass content (e.g. online courses, jupyter notebooks, video lectures), tools (e.g. simulations, automatic graders), and data about education at all scales of the education system. The Center for Digital Education supports all stakeholders of EPFL’s education mission: Teachers are our main clients with regards to the production of content and the integration of tools in education. Students are the end-users of the tools and material. We involve Researchers in the analysis of the educational datasets that we are curating.

Educational Technologies at EPFL

Educational Technologies Gallery

Discover the broad range of educational technologies that colleagues have realised: educational videos, simulations, virtual labs and Jupyter notebooks.

Platforms and Services

EPFL’s educational technology infrastructure. Find out which platforms and central services are ready to be used.

Projects, Training and Support

Find out how the Center for Digital Education can help you get the most of educational technologies.

© 2024 EPFL

MOOC : Thermodynamique : applications

— Ce cours complète le MOOC « Thermodynamique : fondements » qui vous permettra de mettre en application les concepts fondamentaux de la thermodynamique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le Professeur J.-Ph. Ansermet de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne s’est entouré d’experts et de spécialistes des différents domaines d’application provenant de diverses institutions partenaires du réseau RESCIF. Vous pourrez ainsi voir l’usage de la thermodynamique en chimie, en ingénierie et en physique. Ce MOOC a été réalisé en 2016.

© 2024 EPFL

MOOC: Transmission electron microscopy for materials science

— Learn about the fundamentals of transmission electron microscopy in materials sciences: you will be able to understand papers where TEM has been used and have the necessary theoretical basis for taking a practical training on the TEM.

© 2024 EPFL

MOOC: The Thymio robot as a tool for discovering digital science

— This MOOC teaches basic understanding of robots’ mechanisms and Thymio’s programming languages, classroom use and pedagogical elements.

© 2024 EPFL

MOOC: Teaching Science and Engineering

— This MOOC is designed to help doctoral teaching assistants develop their teaching skills in scientific and engineering disciplines at university level. The MOOC will address what to do when you teach as well as explaining why these approaches work.

© 2024 EPFL

MOOC: Synchrotrons and X-Ray Free Electron Lasers (part 2)

— The first MOOC to provide an extensive introduction to synchrotron and XFEL facilities and associated techniques and applications.

All news


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