MAKE Initiative

A support for innovative pedagogy that promotes practical work, project-based learning and interdisciplinarity.

MAKE initiative

As a world-renowned science and technology university, EPFL must remain at the forefront of teaching practices. It is our duty to equip our students with the cross-disciplinary skills they will need to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

The MAKE initiative makes it possible to integrate interdisciplinarity, project-based learning, experimentation and prototyping into students’ curricula.

The initiative provides teachers with Discovery Learning Labs (DLLs). Spaces including state-of-the-art equipment to offer practical work directly related to research or the industrial environment.

Finally, the initiative also provides students (bachelor and master) with a professional consulting service and prototyping spaces to support them in the realization of their open projects.


What are the resources supporting project based learning?

Prototyping network and resources

Support students in the realization of their prototype/project

Discovery learning laboratories ( DLLs )

Support teachers in the implementation of practical work

Pedagogical support

Useful resources for coaching students in a project or practical work

The prototyping network is very rich at EPFL, the SPOT and the SKIL are just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the projects supported?

Project directory

All projects supported by the MAKE initiative

MAKE Projects

Interdisciplinary projects supported by the school

Student startup launchpad

Embarking on an entrepreneurial adventure

You are in an association and you have an idea for a project that requires prototyping? Or maybe you just have a more personal idea? Come to the SPOT welcome desk to discuss it with us!

Upcoming events supported

NEWS of the MAKE initiative

© 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog - CC-BY-SA 4.0

“Hardly a day goes by that I don't build something”

— Over two decades ago, Stéphane Clerc started getting involved in the technical work behind some high-profile projects involving EPFL – including Alinghi and Solar Impulse. For the past six years, he’s been drawing on that experience as a coach at EPFL’s SKIL workshops.

“This year, we’ve optimized the car for reliability", Jade Gibouin, CEO of the EPFL Racing Team. © Alain Herzog 2024 EPFL

Living life in the fast lane

— Mechanical engineering student Jade Gibouin is this year’s CEO of the EPFL Racing Team, which will unveil its new electric racing car on this Monday evening. She devotes all spare time to this project – and she’s proud that women now make up one-quarter of the team.

GenoRobotics' team employs microneedle patches to extract plant DNA. 2024 EPFL/Jamani Caillet CC-BY-SA 4.0

Portable method lets scientists identify plant DNA out in the field

— In EPFL’s GenoRobotics project, a cross-disciplinary team of students is developing a novel method for identifying plant DNA – one that’s faster, cheaper and less energy-intensive than the conventional one. The team hopes their new protocol, designed for use out in the field, will make it easier to categorize plants and ultimately help protect biodiversity.

Students from EPFL’s rebuiLT project have recovered components from a 1970s building scheduled to be demolished. © 2023 rebuiLT/PJ Renaud CC-BY-SA 4.0

Making construction sustainable by reusing materials

— One way to lighten the construction industry’s heavy carbon footprint is to reuse existing materials – an approach being explored by numerous researchers. Here’s a look at some of their ideas, ahead of an upcoming speaker event at EPFL.

The SP80 team has just attached a kite to its sailboat. ©2023 EPFL/SP80-CC-BY-SA 4.0

SP80 boat ready to take off

— The SP80 team has just attached a kite to its sailboat, in another step towards its goal of breaking the current world record and reaching a speed of 150 km/h. The SP80 venture, now in its fifth year, is pooling the skills of EPFL students and alumni to build an ultra-fast sailboat powered only by the wind.

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