Graph Usability Study

Explore the new features on (semantic navigation of video-lectures & LLM-powered chatbot).

Join our beta-test now, and boost your exam prep!

Are you looking for an edge in your exam revision?

GraphSearch is here to help! We’re conducting a beta-test to evaluate how our new semantic search engine and LLM-powered chatbot can help you navigate the resources relevant to your classes.

Why participate?

  • Early, priority access to our new AI Chatbot: Use our state-of-the-art LLM-powered chatbot to interact with EPFL’s extensive academic content.
  • Find what you need, Fast: Search for concepts within video lectures and get precise timestamps where topics are discussed.
  • Enhance your exams revision: Quickly locate courses, lectures, and exercises related to your exam topics.
  • Equal opportunity: Semantic navigation of video-lectures is available to all students at The AI Chatbot only provides a new way of interacting with academic content.

How to join?

  • Send an email to: [email protected]
  • Include: Your SCIPER number, bachelor/master section, semester number.
  • Apply soon! Access to AI Chatbot is limited (first come, first served).