DLL Molecular – Physical chemistry

Energy : Enthalpy, entropy, free energy, activation energy
Structure : Atoms, molecules, chemical bonds, molecular geometry
Properties : Thermodynamics (pressure, temperature, volume), kinetic (reaction rate), spectroscopic (absorption, emission)
Transformations : Chemical reactions, changes in state, transport process

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Physical chemistry is a branch of science that builds a bridge between chemistry and physics. She is interested in understanding the physical bases underlying chemical phenomena.
In other words, it seeks to explain the properties and transformations of matter at the atomic and molecular scale using the tools and concepts of physics.


Malvern MicroCal PEAQ ITC is a highly specialised laboratory instrument used to directly and quantitatively measure molecular interactions in solution.
It is essentially an isothermal titration calorimeter, a tool for studying the thermal processes associated with biomolecular reactions.

Micro calorimeter Malvern microcal PEAQ ITC
Localisation : CH C0 392


Main applications :

  • Characterization of molecular interactions : It can determine the affinity, stoichiometry and thermodynamics of a wide range of interactions, including those between :
    Small molecules
    – Proteins
    – Antibody
    – Nucleic acids
    – Lipids
    – Other biomolecules
  • Study mechanisms : It provides valuable information on how molecules interact and bind together, which is essential for understanding biological processes.
  • Enzymatic kinetics : It can be used to measure the rate of enzymatic reactions and determine kinetic parameters.
  • Critical micellar concentration : It determines the concentration at which amphiphilic molecules begin to assemble into micelles.

Malvern Panalytical’s zetasizer Pro is a versatile and robust laboratory instrument, mainly used to measure the size and load properties of particles and suspended molecules.

Zetasizer Pro de Malvern Panalytical
Localisation : CH C0 392

Main measures :

  • Particle size and molecules : It uses dynamic light scattering (DLS) to determine the size of a wide range of particles, from nanometers to micrometers.
  • Electropheretic mobility and zeta potential : This measure makes it possible to evaluate the surface load of the particles, a crucial parameter for understanding their stability, interaction and behaviour in different media.
  • Size distribution analysis : The zetasizer Pro provides detailed information on the distribution of particle sizes in a sample.

The LVEM5 is a revolutionary benchtop electron microscope, offering unique accessibility and performance in its class.

Electronic microscope LVEM 5 (delong instruments)
Localisation : CH A0 398

General characteristics

  • Ease of use: The user interface is intuitive, making it accessible to beginners and experienced users alike.
  • Versatility : It can work in TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy) and ED (Electron Diffraction) mode, thus offering great flexibility of analysis.
  • High resolution : it offers a resolution of up to 1.2 nm.
  • High contrast : Due to the use of permanent magnets for lenses, LVEM5 offers high contrast.


  • Nanosciences : Study of nanomaterials, nanoparticles and nanostructures.
  • Cell Biology : Observation of Cell Cells and Organs.
  • Materials : Analysis of the microstructure of materials.


Access and safety rules

These facilities are located in the CH building :
CH C0 392
CH A0 398
CH B0 374
Safety rules: Any person wishing to handle chemicals must be trained accordingly, in accordance with the safety rules at EPFL, the DSPS, and the rules specific to ISIC/SCGC.

Training and booking

Julien Andres, +41 21 693 74 55

Activities and courses :

Chemistry, 2024-2025, Bachelor semestre 6
Experimental physical chemistry : CH-349