In order to study the impact of Covid-19 on education, educational researchers have quickly accompanied the emergence of new teaching and learning practices with research activities. These studies can make a significant contribution to understanding what has happened, but also to preparing future scenarios, based on evidence.
The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK/CDIP), the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI/SBFI/SEFRI) and the EPFL Center for Learning Sciences (LEARN) teamed up to propose a platform for the sharing of research on Covid-19 impact on education in Switzerland. The online event is one element of this platform, a open repository of studies is the other element.
The online event on 1.12. from 14:30 – 17:00 will bring researchers together in order to make the diversity of studies accessible to the research community. Studies may range from kindergarten to vocational or higher education. They may concern any linguistic region and canton in Switzerland. They may include the perspectives of learners, teachers, parents, school directions, authorities or experts. Their thematic focus may be on aspects such as the delivery of content, the assessment and evaluation practices, new ways of interacting while being at distance, emotional reactions, or the use of technology, just to name a few. The exchange will be completely informal. This also means that there is no peer review process and presenters are responsible for the quality of their contribution.
Tentative program 14:30 – 17:00
Benjamin Volland, data analyst and scientific collaborator at educa, will moderate the presentation sessions.
ca. 14:30 – 15:45
Xavier Conus & Héloïse Durler (UniFR)- Distance learning or home schooling? The experience of parents of primary students during the school closures in the cantons of Vaud and Fribourg
Marieke Heers (FORS) – Overwhelmed by Learning in Lockdown: Effects of Covid-19-enforced Homeschooling on Parents’ Wellbeing
Helena Kovacs (EPFL) – Teaching under lockdown: A potential to reimagine social practice of university teachers
- Sébastien Fernandez (EHL) – Effectiveness of teaching practices in remote conditions under COVID-19
Martin J. Tomasik (UniZH) – Educational gains of in-person vs. distance learning in primary and secondary schools: A natural experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic school closures in Switzerland
Stephan Huber & Christoph Helm (PHZG) – School Barometer in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: three surveys with multiple groups, one interview study with school leaders, one study of school cases
Jacques Babel (FSO) – Education system scenarios 2020-2029 in the context of COVID-19
ca. 15:45 – 16:45
Track A
- Miriam Hänni (SFIVET) – Teaching at professional education institutions before, during and after the corona pandemic: challenges and opportunities
- Bernadette Charlier & Joris Felder (UniFR) – Transformation through Education Transitions : before and during COVID-19 distance learning
- Jean-Philippe Weisskopf (EHL) – Can game-based learning be effective during times of disruption?
- Denis Gillet (EPFL) – Agile Implementation and Adoption of a Digital Education Platform in Primary Schools during the Pandemic
- Katharina Maag & Francesca Suter (UZH) – School improvement in the face of new challenges. First results of the trinational S-CLEVER-study
Track B
- Caroline Pulfrey (EPFL) – Distance teaching during COVID_19 : what worked and why?
- Gaëlle Molinari (UniGE, UniDistance) – The student experience during the COVID-19 online teaching period: A multidimensional approach
- Jeanine Grütter (UZH) & Lena Dändliker – Adolescents’ coping with emotional and academic stressors related to COVID-19: The role of perceived teacher, friendship and parental support
- Andrea Samson & Daniel Dukes (UniFR) – How did families with special education needs deal with the COVID-19 pandemic: the situation in Switzerland
- Christoph Helm & Stephan Huber (PHZG) – School Barometer: A review of studies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland on distance learning processes in schools during the Corona pandemic