Title: Transversal skills: where we are and where we are going
Presenters: Kathryn Hess, Helena Kovacs, Julien Delisle
Summary: In this session of lunch&LEARN, Kathryn Hess, associate Vice President for Student Affairs presents the outcomes of the working group on transversal skills.
The working group has been looking into the skillsets currently taught through EPFL’s engineering curricula to compare them to the current social, environmental, and economic needs and trends in engineering education. This analysis serves as the basis to reflect on how transversal skills can better be integrated into EPFL’s teaching practices.
The presentation is also be supported by the team at LEARN, Helena Kovacs and Julien Delisle, who have analyzed the prevalence of transversal skills across EPFL’s course documents and produced a comprehensive state of the art illustrated through heatmaps.
The session compares this analysis and the new approaches of Hess’ working group, to engage participants in conversations around what transversal skills they find important, how to integrate some of them in their curriculum and continue to provide excellence in their teaching.
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