EPFL immersion week
Applying the scientific mind to teach it better
SEMIEL (Semaine d’Immersion à l’EPFL) is a programme designed for all teachers of 7th and 8th year Harmos. Through immersion in a laboratory and thematic course modules, the programme aims to sharpen scientific thinking, enhance analytical and critical thinking skills, and give teachers the tools to teach what they have learnt to their students. There are no prerequisites (you don’t have to be a maths or science teacher) to take part in this immersion week, which will take place during the first week of the October holidays.
Programm for second edition
Wednesday 1 October 2025 2-4pm
Introduction to the programme and choice of the immersion’s laboratory
From Monday 13 to Friday 17 October 2025 9am-5pm
Immersion in the chosen laboratory and thematic course modules (scientific approach, data analysis, risks and probability, correlation and causality…)
EPFL organizes this immersion week with the support of the Direction générale vaudoise de l’enseignement obligatoire et de la pédagogie spécialisée (DGEO). This week is entirely free of charge, with meal and travel expenses reimbursed.
Host laboratories in 2024
SEMIEL 2024 course modules
Monday, October 21st
Rizlan Bernier-Latmani: The scientific approach
Roland Tormey: Emotions in scientific learning
Tuesday, October 22nd
Anne-Florence Bitbol: Probability and risk
Linda Mhalla: Correlation and causality
Wednesday, October 23rd
Shirit Cohen: Scientific method in economics and social sciences
Dominique Foray: Innovation, productivity and sustainable growth
Thursday, October 24th
Jeremy Luterbacher: Simulations and predictions
Karen Scrivener: Global warming, construction and materials: the convincing process
Friday, October 25th
Nicolas Flammarion: Machine learning and databases in science
Registration 2025
The programme is limited to 12 people
Fill in this form to register: (à venir)
Registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:
[email protected]