Practical information

  • Excellence scholarship: a scholarship of CHF 1,600 per month (pro rata to the actual duration) will be awarded to all candidates selected for an internship.

    The Excellence scholarship is considered a living allowance to cover the intern’s housing and minimum living expenses. Therefore, it is only granted to those who spend their internship in-person in Switzerland.

    Please also note that candidates who receive a Thinks Swiss Research Scholarship (North America program / Asia-Pacific program) are not entitled to receive the Excellence Research Internship scholarship.

  • Internship length: The average length of the internship is about three months. It can last longer if it is part of the student’s home university-accredited projects. In this case, a proof must be attached to the application form.

    The internships can be extended to up to twelve months. Please note that the Excellence scholarship provided for the Excellence Research Internship is for a maximum of three months (90 days). If the internship length exceeds three months, the exceeding period will not be covered by the scholarship.
  • Budget: for an idea of a student’s budget in Lausanne, click here. Please note that this is an average budget. Interns from the ERIP are exempt from tuition fees.
  • Housing: the EPFL Housing Information Office will assist successful candidates in finding accommodation.
  • Combining an internship with an exchange program: candidates who are interested in a student exchange program can consider combining their exchange semester with a research internship (before or after the exchange semester). Interested students should contact their home university’s international exchange office to confirm this option.

    Please note that most courses at EPFL during the Bachelor’s studies are taught in French. The number of courses taught in English increases in the 3rd year (see courses taught in English) and most courses are in English during the Master’s studies.
  • Language: international students enjoy speaking English on campus and in the laboratories whilst French is the official spoken language in this part of Switzerland. English is also widely spoken in Switzerland.
  • Campus: the internship should take place on-site in the agreed EPFL laboratory, which could be located in Lausanne (main campus) or in one of the associated campuses in Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Geneva or Sion. More information on the EPFL’s campus can be found here.

Your summer at EPFL

Candidates selected for the Excellence Research Internship Program benefit from EPFL’s outstanding facilities for research while enjoying the School’s vibrant campus situated in a breathtaking setting on the shores of Lake Geneva and at the foot of the Alps.

As the capital and largest city of the Swiss canton of Vaud, Lausanne is a small town with plenty to offer to culture buffs, gourmets, night owls or daydreamers. lt is also a perfect base camp for weekend excursions to attractions in Switzerland or to European capitals.

Being enrolled as an ERIP intern

All candidates accepted in the Excellence Research Internship Program benefit from an exclusive student status during the whole time of their research internship at EPFL.

This status offers the following advantages:

  • Simplified visa and residence permit procedures
  • Discount at EPFL for meals, activities, etc.
  • Discount in Switzerland for travel pass, cinema tickets, cultural activities, etc.
  • Free access to the EPFL sport center
  • Organized opportunities to meet with international and local students
  • Activities and support provided by various EPFL associations

Over 160

Excellence Research Internship Program interns since 2015.

Some 500

laboratories and research groups, in disciplines ranging from math and life science to architecture and engineering.

Over 4,300

research publications in 2020, for an average of more than one publication per professor per month.

29 Master’s programs

distributed among the five faculties and two colleges that make up the School.

22 Doctoral programs

with attractive conditions in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.

What do the interns think?

Sarah Bortel

I’ve spent the weekdays doing exciting and cutting-edge research, and have explored Lausanne or trained off to the Swiss Alps each weekend.

Sarah Bortel, John Hopkins University

One weekend, a few friends and I took a train to Interlaken after work. We swam in Lake Thun, had fondue, and stayed in a hostel to wake up early for a day of hiking in Grindelwald. After a late lunch in the mountains, we took a train back to Montreux for the Montreux Jazz Festival. The next morning, we took the train to Zermatt, and hiked the 5 Lakes around the Matterhorn. We were home in Lausanne for work on Monday. This was my favorite weekend – Lausanne is so full of opportunities, excitement, and experience for anyone looking to have it!

Sarah Bortel, John Hopkins University, intern at the Merck Serono Chair in Oncology CMSO, EPFL

Andrew Ding

I would describe research at EPFL as an opportunity of discovery.

Andrew Ding, University of Waterloo

While working at my lab, I was able to do independent exploratory analysis, where I was able to use my results to improve my methodology and help progress the project that I was working on. In addition, I found all the people I have met at EPFL incredibly friendly. For example, while working at the lab, my professor was almost always available to answer questions or to even grab a quick coffee! He felt more like a mentor than a supervisor for me and I have Iearned a lot from him during my three months at EPFL!

The ERIP program at EPFL is definitely one of my undergraduate highlights! Being able to do research while travelling to seven different countries was a dream come true.

Andrew Ding, University of Waterloo, intern at the Urban Demography Laboratory, EPFL

Testimonials and Reviews

Interns’ testimonials

Read about the interns’ experiences while working with researchers but also independently on exciting projects in areas such as health, environment, engineering, basic science or information technology.

From an internship to EPFL graduate studies

Former interns explain why they felt valued in the Excellence Research Internship Program, what impact their contributions had, and why they returned to EPFL for their Master’s degree or PhD.

Interns’ blog

This intern-led and intern-based blog tells on- and off-campus stories of former participants. Discover why this unique Excellence Research Internship Program could be just what you are looking for.


For more information on the Excellence Research Internship Program, please contact us:

Centre Midi – CM2 348
Station 10
CH – 1015 Lausanne

Access map