Computer Science

Advanced information, computation, communication I
Teacher: Käser Jacober Tanja Christina, Bourgeat Thomas Emile
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 1, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 1, 2024-2025

Algorithms I
Teacher: Chiesa Alessandro, Svensson Ola Nils Anders
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025
Mathématiques-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025

Computer architecture
Teacher: Ienne Paolo
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025

Computer graphics
Teacher: Pauly Mark
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025

Computer language processing
Teacher: Kuncak Viktor
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025

Computer systems
Teacher: Kashyap Sanidhya, Argyraki Aikaterini, Chappelier Jean-Cédric
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025

Data-intensive systems
Teacher: Kashyap Sanidhya, Ailamaki Anastasia
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025

Fundamentals of digital systems
Teacher: Stojilovic Mirjana
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 2, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 2, 2024-2025

Introduction to machine learning
Teacher: Fua Pascal, Salzmann Mathieu
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025
Sciences et ingénierie de l'environnement-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 4, 2024-2025

Introduction to quantum computation
Teacher: Lévêque Olivier, Urbanke Rüdiger
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025

Parallelism and concurrency in software
Teacher: Basu Arkaprava, Falsafi Babak
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025

Responsible software
Teacher: Hardebolle Cécile
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025

Software construction
Teacher: Pit-Claudel Clément, Kuncak Viktor, Odersky Martin
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025

Technologies for democratic society
Teacher: Ford Bryan Alexander
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 3, 2024-2025

The software enterprise - from ideas to products
Teacher: Bugnion Edouard, Candea George
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 5, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 5, 2024-2025

Theory of computation
Teacher: Göös Mika Tapani
Informatique-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025
Systèmes de communication-Bachelor semestre 6, 2024-2025