
Architecture Sophie Lufkin 
Chemical Engineering Kumar Agrawal 
Chemistry Kay Severin
Civil Engineering Kyriaki Goulouti
Communication Systems Gil Regev
Computer Science Gil Regev
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Philippe Gay-Balmaz 
Environmental Sciences & Engineering Pierre-Yves Gilliéron
Life Sciences Engineering Igor Allaman 
Materials Science and Engineering  Cyril Cayron
Mathematics Clément Hongler
Mechanical Engineering Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate 
Micro Engineering Sebastian Gautsch 

Laurent Villard for exchanges  in 2024-25 and
Raphaël Butté for exchanges in 2025-26

Coralie Link and Annick Melikian


During certain seasons in the year, you can find us during our office hours at the office BP1130. You can find the details on this webpage.

To access these files you need to enter your EPFL ID (Gaspar account). Furthermore, accessing this ressource requires a strong authentification, you may find on this webpage information on how to set it up.

You can find on this link the lists of students currently on student exchange or who have returned from their exchange, as well as the list of the incoming students who are currently on exchange at EPFL. Feel free to contact them for any questions related to their exchange or their home institution.

Once you have been selected for a destination, please contact your host university directly for any questions specific to their exchange registration system, the follow-up of your acceptance letter or the registration for student accommodation on site.

The EPFL Trust and Support Network is at your disposal.

For an online EPFL Social Consultation do not hesitate to contact the team directly:

Please contact the student services desk.