The deadline and procedure to submit an application to EPFL’s exchange office depend on the destination. You will find here a detailed procedure (available in French only) to guide you in completing your application form and establishing your study plan in IS-Academia.
Exchanges outside of Europe: December 1st
Double degree: December 1st of the year prior to the start of the studies in the partner university, regardless of destination
Exchanges inside Europe + Switzerland: February 10th
Please note that these deadlines are firm, as the system closes at midnight on these dates – it is not possible to accept late applications.
A change of section between Ba3 and Ba4 must be approved by the section and announced to no later than December 1 for an exchange outside Europe or for a double degree, and no later than February 10 for an exchange in Europe/Switzerland.
Application Procedures
Complete the online form and upload the cover letter in IS-Academia. After the selection, establish your learning agreement (list of courses). You will need to obtain the approval and the signature of your learning agreement by the academic exchange advisor for your section.
The applications for an exchange outside Europe are selected by an internal board.
The students selected for an exchange outside Europe are not authorized to submit an application for an exchange in Europe.
Complete the online form in IS-Academia and establish the learning agreement (list of courses) for your 1st choice of university (in the form). You will need to obtain the approval and the signature of the academic exchange advisor for your section.
After the selection, all modifications to the initial learning agreement signed by your academic exchange advisor must be registered in IS-Academia.
Students are requested not to give up the exchange place for which they have been selected.
Complete the online form for a double degree in IS-Academia and establish your learning agreement (list of courses) for the first year only. You will need to obtain the approval and the signature of your learning agreement by the academic exchange advisor for your section.
Visit this page for the list of double degrees and joint masters and to see the structure of each program.
Students are requested not to give up the exchange place for which they have been selected.