Application should be submitted via EPFL’s online Master application. Be sure to check the box indicating that your profile should also be considered for an excellence fellowship.
Documents to provide:
- No additional documents are needed beyond those required for admission.
The application deadlines align with those for the master’s program. There are two application rounds.
Deadlines :
1st round: December 15
2nd round: March 31
Students submit the application directly to the section, with a copy to No need to apply via IS-Academia.
Required documents:
- CV
- Motivation letter
- Transcript of all grades earned at EPFL
- Two recommendation letters from professors familiar with the student’s work and achievements. These must be submitted directly by the referees to
There are two application rounds.
1st round: January 31.
2nd round: April 15
Application should be submitted via EPFL’s online Master application. Be sure to check the box indicating that your profile should also be considered for an excellence fellowship.
Required documents:
- The same documents that are required for admission.
- Two recommendation letters from professors familiar with your work and achievements. These must be submitted directly by the referees to
Deadlines :
The application deadlines align with those for the master’s program. There are two application rounds.
1st round: December 15. Deadline for completing the recommendation letters: January 31.
2nd round: March 31. Deadline for completing the recommendation letters: April 15.
Eligibility & conditions
Anyone applying to a Master’s program at EPFL is eligible. A limited number of fellowships are awarded to the most deserving candidates, based on academic excellence, qualifications, and motivation.
However, candidates who already hold a Master’s degree or are currently enrolled in a Master’s program at EPFL are not eligible.
- Amount: CHF 10,000 per semester, with a maximum coverage of 4 semesters.
- Additional Benefits:
- Reservation of a student room in a student residence (for external candidates only).
- A certificate of excellence upon completion of the Master’s program.
The fellowship covers two to three semesters of the Master’s cycle (depending on program duration) plus one semester for the Master’s project. Students are responsible for managing all living expenses, including tuition fees and rent.
Fellowships are paid into a Swiss bank or postal account. Therefore, fellowship holders should open their own Swiss bank or postal account (of their choice) upon arrival in Switzerland.
Please note that this fellowship cannot be combined with other substantial scholarships. Candidates are required to declare all scholarships received during their Master’s program.
After an initial screening by the sections, the Excellence Fellowships Committee awards the fellowships. Selected candidates are notified at the beginning of April (1st round) and early to mid-June (2nd round).
If a selected candidate withdraws or fails to respond, the fellowship is offered to the next candidate on the waiting list, who will receive a new deadline to confirm their matriculation.
The renewal and payment of the fellowship for a second year of studies is conditional upon excellent academic performance.
At the end of the first year, once the results are published, fellowships are renewed provided that fellowship holders have:
- reached at least the average of 5.0 (6 = max / 4 = pass).
The average is weighted with the ECTS credits of each course. All numerical grades from all chosen courses and exams during the first MA year, count for the average.
- earned at least 50 credits (for branches other than the internship)
Credits for language courses, admission courses or courses outside of the study plan do not count.
There will be no exceptions for students who have not reached the requested average or number of credits.

Answers to most common questions.
For further information on the MSc Excellence Fellowship Program, please contact us:
Centre Midi – CM2 348
Station 10
CH – 1015 Lausanne