For projects defended after the above-mentioned deadline, the application platform for the prizes will reopen in the ISA portal just after the Magistrale and the applications will be examined for the Magistrale 2026.
Jury Prizes. If you are currently working on a Master’s project or have just completed one, you may be interested in the Jury Prizes. After the oral examination, your supervisor may recommend your work for such a prize, which will then be mentioned at the same time as your grade. Students without a recommendation can also apply.
The Jury prizes are open to all students doing their Master’s project. The application file must be submitted via the IS-Academia portal, using the “Application Master Project Award” tab, or by following the specific procedure for each prize listed below. The deadline for these applications is set at six months after the end of enrolment (but cannot be later than the deadline indicated for student awards). A maximum of two Jury Prizes can be applied for, including the Durabilis Award.
If you have not obtained the grade of your Master’s project at the deadline mentioned on this page, you will be allowed to apply after the Graduation Ceremony and your file will then be considered for the following year.
Calculation Prizes. These prizes are awarded automatically on the basis of the grades and results obtained during the Bachelor’s, Master’s or propedeutic course, without the need to register. The best results are calculated on the basis of the grades obtained during the academic year, between 1 September and 31 August. These prizes are usually awarded at the Magistrale.
Prize Alfred Stucky intended to reward an student in Civil Engineering for his or her outstanding personal work. Amount : CHF 3’000 Regulation Application procedure to the Section | Program SGC |
Prize Anna Barbara Reinhard intended to reward the student who has obtained the best average in the Master’s studies (including the Master’s project) of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering section. This prize is offered by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Amount: CHF 800 Regulation No application | Program SEL |
Prize Annaheim-Mattille intended to reward the student who has presented a high-level Master’s project dedicated to bringing together life sciences and informatics (bioinformatics, bio-inspired systems). This prize is offered by the Fondation Marguerite. Amount: CHF 1’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize BCV intended to reward a student (or group of students) in the Architecture who has/have demonstrated outstanding studio skills. This prize is offered by the Banque Cantonale Vaudoise. Amount : CHF 2’500 (dispatched) Regulation No application | Program SAR |
Prize BG Ingénieurs Conseils intended to reward a student who has completed a Master’s project in the field of sustainable development. Amount : CHF 2’500 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize biol conseils intended to reward an innovative and pragmatic master’s project providing a response to environmental or climate issues. Amount : CHF 1’985 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedure | Program SSIE |
Prize Bluebotics intended to reward a student who has carried out an excellent Master’s project and has thus contributed to the advancement of scientific or technical research in the field of robotics. Amount : CHF 2’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize CITEC Mobility Solutions intended to reward a student in Civil Engineering who has demonstrated excellence in a Master’s project in the field of transport or mobility. Amount : CHF 1’500 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedure | Program SGC |
Prize Commune de Chavannes-près-Renens (VD) intended to reward a student who, during his or her studies, has left a strong impression in his or her behaviour or personnality. Amount : CHF 500 Regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize CSD Ingénieurs intended to reward a student in Environmental Sciences and Engineering who has completed an excellent Master’s project in term of quality of solutions aimed at improving the quality of life and the environment. Amount : max. CHF 2’000 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedure | Program SSIE |
Prize Douchet intended to reward the student in the Mathematics who has obtained the best grade average during his or her Master’s studies. Amount: CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SMA |
Prize DSM-Firmenich for the best Master’s project in Molecular and Biological Chemistry and the best Master’s project in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Amount : CHF 2’000 for each prize Regulation No application | Program SCGC |
Prize Elca Informatique intended to reward the student in Computer Science who has obtained the best grade average in the Master’s studies. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SIN |
Prize EPFL – Best Master average grade intended to reward the EPFL student who has obtained the best average in the Master’s studies. Amount: CHF 2’500 Regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize EPFL – Second best Master average grade intended to reward the EPFL student who has obtained the second best average in the Master’s studies. Amount: CHF 2’000 Regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize EPFL – Third best Master average grade intended to reward the student, all sections taken into account, who has obtained the third best average in the Master’s studies. Amount: CHF 1’500 Regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize EPFL – Youth Prize intended to reward the youngest graduate. Amount : CHF 1’000 No regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize EPFL – Award of Merit intended to reward the graduate who has successfully undertaken studies in engineering or architecture after an initial qualification and a professional career. Amount : CHF 1’000 No regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize EPFL – SHS Prize intended to reward the student who has carried out the best work in Social and Human Sciences (SHS) program of a Master’s degree demonstrating the contribution of SHS to engineering studies. Amount: max. CHF 1’200 Regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize EPFL – Sports Award intended to reward a student or a group who has achieved outstanding results in sport during the past academic year. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program All sections |
Prize Etat de Vaud intended to reward a Master’s project presenting an original solution promoting the efficient use of energy. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize Faulhaber intended to reward a student in microengineering or robotics who has carried out a quality master’s project, having demonstrated excellence and contributed to the advancement of scientific or technical research in the following fields: robotics, mechatronics and microactuators. Amount : CHF 2’500 Regulation Application via the ISA portal + follow instructions of the section | Program SMT |
Prize Géosuisse intended to reward the student in Environmental Science and Engineering who has obtained the best grade average in the Master’s cycle including the Master’s project. This prize is offered by the Swiss Association for Geomatics and Land Management. Amount: CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SSIE |
Prize Gilbert Hausmann intended to reward two graduates authors of Master’s projects (or a PhD thesis) in the field of mechanics, electricity or physics, who distinguish themselves by their excellence, originality and the opportunities they offer. Amount : CHF 5’000 (Master) or CHF 10’000 (PhD) Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program SEL, SGM, SPH |
Prize HackaHealth intended to reward a Master’s project that has an impact on society in the field of health and disability. Amount : CHF 2’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize Hilti intended to reward a Master’s project or scientific publication with outstanding creativity, innovative and original in the field of mechatronics (sensors, actuators, control or movement) where the practical application is emphasized. Amount: CHF 2’500 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program SEL, SGM, SMT |
Prize IBM intended to reward a either a Master’s project or a doctoral thesis, understaken with the EPFL, in order to promote excellent research in modelling and simulation in different fields of engineering and science (physics, chemistry, materials science, biology). The prize is awarded by a jury alternatively for a doctoral thesis and for a Master’s project. Next award 2025 for Master thesis defended between 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025. Amount : CHF 5’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize ID Quantique intended to reward a Master’s project carried out by an EPFL student in the Quantum Science and Engineering Master’s programme or another EPFL Master’s programme, work of an excellent level that contributes to the advancement of scientific and technical research in the field of quantum communication. Amount : CHF 2,000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize IGSO intended to reward the student who has presented an innovative Master’s project in geomatics or a related field. This prize is offered by the Association des Ingénieurs géomètres de Suisse occidentale. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedure | Program SSIE |
Prize IIC intended to reward up to two students in Civil Engineering who have obtained an excellent grade for their Master’s project, when co-supervised by two separate laboratories affiliated to the Institute of Civil Engineering (IIC). Amount : CHF 1’000 / student Regulation No application | Program SGC |
Prize Kudelski intended to reward the student who has presented a Master’s project contributing significantly to the field of cryptography and information systems security. Amount : CHF 1’500 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize LEM intended to reward the candidate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering who has presented an excellent Master’s project contributing significantly to the field of measurement of electrical parameters. Amount : CHF 2’000 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedure | Program SEL |
Prize ONWARD intended to reward the best master project in Neuro-X or from another section, demonstrating excellence and contributing to the advancement of scientific or technical research in the field of neurorehabilitation. Amount : CHF 2’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal + follow the instructions of the regulation | Program All sections |
Prize Orlando Lauti intended to reward the student in Architecture who has obtained the best average grade in the Master cycle including the Master’s project. Amount : CHF 2’500 Regulation No application | Program SAR |
Prize Sarada M. et Raju A. Vinnakota intended to reward student who has demonstrated excellence in the Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, with a specialization in structural engineering. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation Application procedure to the Section | Program SGC |
Prize sd ingénierie to reward an innovative master’s project in civil engineering in the field of sustainable construction. Amount : CHF 1’955 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedurel | Program SGC |
Prize Section Architecture (best average Bachelor et Master) intended to reward the student having obtained the best average grade on the complete Bachelor and Master studies in Architecture. Amount: CHF 300 Regulation No registration | Program SAR |
Prize Section Architecture (2nd best average Bachelor et Master) intended to reward the student having obtained the second best average over the complete Bachelor and Master studies in Architecture. Amount: CHF 300 Regulation No registration | Program SAR |
Prize Section Architecture (3rd best average Bachelor et Master) intended to reward the student having obtained the third average grade over the complete Bachelor and Master studies in Architecture. Amount: CHF 300 Regulation No registration | Program SAR |
Prize Section Architecture (4th best average Bachelor et Master) intended to reward the student having obtained the fourth best average over the complete Bachelor and Master studies in Architecture. Amount: CHF 300 Regulation No registration | Program SAR |
Prize Section Architecture (5th best average Bachelor et Master) intended to reward the student having obtained the fifth best average over the complete Bachelor and Master studies in Architecture. Amount: CHF 300 Regulation No registration | Program SAR |
Prize Section Life Sciences Engineering (best Master’s project) intended to reward the student having obtained the best Master’s project in Life Sciences Engineering. Amount : CHF 600 Regulation No application | Program SSV |
Prize Section Life Sciences Engineering (best Master average grade) intended to reward the student with the best average grade in the Master’s degree in Life Sciences Engineering. Amount : CHF 1000 Regulation No application | Program SSV |
Prize Section Life Sciences Engineering (second best Master average grade) intended to reward the student with the second average grade in the Master’s degree in Life Sciences Engineering. Amount : CHF 800 Regulation No application | Program SSV |
Prize Section Life Sciences Engineering (third best Master average grade) intended to reward the student with the third average grade in the Master’s degree in Life Sciences Engineering. Amount : CHF 600 Regulation No application | Program SSV |
Prize Section Quantum Science and Engineering (best master average) intended to reward the best average grade in the master’s degree in Quantum Science and Engineering. Amount: CHF 1’000 Regulation No registration | Program SSIQ |
Prize Section Quantum Science and Engineering (second best master average) intended to reward the second best average grade in the master’s degree in Quantum Science and Engineering. Montant : CHF 500 Regulation No registration | Program SSIQ |
Prize SGEB intended to reward the author of a particularly outstanding Master’s project carried out in the field of earthquake engineering or structural dynamics. This prize is offered by the Swiss Society for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. Amount : CHF 2’000 Regulation No application | Program SGC |
Prize SIA (best Master average grade in ENAC faculty) intended to reward the ENAC student with the best average in the Master’s studies. This prize is offered by the Vaud section of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. Amount : CHF 500 Regulation No application | Program SGC, SSIE |
Prize SIA (best Master’s project in civil engineering) intended to reward a student in Civil Engineering who has demonstrated excellence in a Master’s project related to sustainable development. This prize is offered by the Vaud section of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SGC |
Prize SIA (best Master’s project in Environmental Sciences and Engineering) intended to reward a student in Environmental Sciences and Engineering who has demonstrated excellence in a Master’s project related to sustainable development. This prize is offered by the Vaud section of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SIE |
Prize Swisscom congratulates your best grade average intended to reward the efforts and achievements of one student of Communication System or Data Science section, who has obtained the best average during her/his master studies Amount: CHF 2’000 (+ a free mobile subscription) Regulation No application | Program SC, DS |
Prize Swiss Informatics Society intended to reward the student in Computer Science who has obtained the second best average grande in the Master cycle including the Master project. Amount : CHF 500 Regulation No application Swiss Photonics destiné à récompenser un-e étudiant-e de la faculté STI qui aura fait preuve d’excellence et contribué ainsi à l’avancement de la recherche scientifique ou technique, en photonique ou en optique. Amount : CHF 2’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program SIN SMT, SGM, SMX, SEL |
Prize Syngenta Monthey (molecular and biological chemistry) intended to reward the student in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering who has obtained the best average in the Master’s programme (Molecular and Biological Chemistry orientation). Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SCGC |
Prize Syngenta Monthey (chemical engineering and biotechnology) intended to reward the student in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering who has obtained the best average in the Master’s programme (Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology orientation). Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SCGC |
Prize UPIAV (Ing. civ.) intended to reward a student in civil engineerin who has obtained the best average grade in the Master cycle. This prize is offered by the Union patronale des ingénieurs et des architectes vaudois. Amount: CHF 1’000 Regulation No application | Program SGC |
Prize Ville d’Ecublens (VD) intended to reward the author of a Master’s project taking into consideration the potential impact of a technical or architectural project for a region in its political, economic, urban planning or socio-cultural aspects. Amount: CHF 1’000 Regulation Online application procedure | Program All sections |
Prize William Grenier intended to reward a student who has presented a project particularly innovative in the way it is presented (illustrations through constructions, multimedia documents, films, demos and other realisations). Amount : CHF 1’000 Regulation Application via the ISA portal | Program All sections |
Prize WSP Construction et Développement Durable (ex-BG Arch.) intended to reward a student who has presented a master project in architecture that makes a significant contribution to the design of buildings and developments that specifically and innovatively address the challenges of sustainable development and the fight against climate change. Amount: CHF 2’500 Regulation Contact the section for the application procedure | Program SAR |