
EPFL is a leading center for mathematical education and research. It includes three institutes and a research center devoted to the major areas of pure and applied mathematics.

The research program in mathematical sciences has a strong international reputation. Collaborations with research groups and other universities offer interesting interdisciplinary challenges.

Program’s objectives

The level and variety of subjects studied provide mathematicians with an excellent command of fundamental mathematical tools and abstract reasoning. The core subjects of study are analysis, algebra, geometry, topology and number theory. The Master of Science in Mathematics offers a high level of education, either in pure mathematics or in applied mathematics.

Having a strong background in analysis, abstraction and reflection is necessary to solve complex problems. Graduates in Mathematics are therefore highly esteemed professionals. They are qualified for various careers in private companies, governmental institutions or in academia. This Master’s program also provides a solid foundation for students planning to follow a PhD program in Mathematics.

Simplified study plan

Please note that the information regarding programs’ structure as well as the simplified study plans may be subject to change and that they are not legally binding. Only the official regulations and study plans are binding.

Admission criteria

This Master’s program is consecutive to a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics obtained at EPFL.

Non-EPFL degrees
Bachelor’s degrees obtained in the same fields but from another institution are eligible on the basis of an application dossier and must be accompanied by excellent academic records. 
EPFL degrees
EPFL Bachelor’s degrees in Physics or another field related to mathematics are also subject to a dossier-based analysis and are eligible if they are accompanied by excellent academic records.

The acquisition of additional credits to fill any gaps may be required.

Please note that meeting all of these criteria is no guarantee of admission.

Further information about admission criteria

Teaching language

English, with a few optional courses in French.

Diploma and title obtained

Upon completion of their Master’s curricula, students obtain an EPFL Master of Science MSc in Mathematics. The diploma also gives graduates the right to use the title of EPF qualified Mathematician.

Online application


To learn more about this program, please use the following contacts:

0041 21 693 25 65

Access map
