Create your own EPFL – ETH Zürich summer school

Call for Projects in 2025

Are you interested in organizing a summer school to explore a topic that you find important?

EPFL and ETH Zürich are funding a number of selected summer schools, which will be organized by doctoral candidates from within the ETH Domain. You may apply for up to an amount of approx. CHF 20,000

One of the objectives of the summer school is to enhance exchange between EPFL and ETH Zürich students. Its main target group should therefore be doctoral candidates of EPFL and ETH Zürich (at least two thirds)

The summer schools should be actively promoted within the ETH Domain by the organizers

Each participant (participating organizers are excluded) will have to pay a unique participation fee. You will find more information below

The initiators of an EPFL – ETH Zürich summer school are fully responsible for the organization. The administration of the summer school should be managed by them, as the Organizing Committee

Each summer school should be equivalent to 1 or 2 ECTS credits for doctoral candidates

The best proposals will be approved by an Evaluating Committee composed of representatives from EPFL and ETH Zürich

The program aims to sponsor new summer schools. Proposals for summer schools that already took place in previous years might still be considered but priority will be given to non-existing summer schools. If an existing summer school is accepted for funding, the latter may only cover expenses of participants from institutions of the ETH Domain

Deadline: October 1, 2024


In order to organize the summer school, you should form an OC consisting of doctoral candidates of both institutions, EPFL and ETH Zürich. The OC must name one main contact person at each institution. Management of the summer school and funds granted will be handled at either of both institutions (EPFL or ETH Zürich), according to the decision of the Evaluation Committee (which consists of a letter sent by email). The OC is fully responsible for the organization and administration of the summer school, and for the handling of the granted funds. We recommend that you enlist the help of a secretary (e.g. from your laboratory or the supporting Professor) for the administrative management of your summer school. The summer school should be actively promoted within the ETH Domain.

Please consider the Checklist for a sustainable EPFL event.

20-30 doctoral candidates of EPFL, ETH Zürich, and other Swiss or international institutions (some Master’s level students may also participate). At least two thirds of the participants have to be members of the ETH Domain, as much as possible equally distributed over ETH Zürich and EPFL

It should contain an explanation of the summer school content and outcomes, a tentative program (2-10 days), name of organizers, potential speakers, target group, proposed number of ECTS credits and a budget. For more details, please see the “Structure of the summer school proposal” tab below.

Discuss your idea with two professors from your home institutions (1 EPFL + 1 ETH Zürich), e.g. your thesis director, as well as – concerns EPFL only – the Director of the doctoral program to which the summer school will be associated with, to obtain letters of support. What is expected from the supervising professors in their letters is their endorsement of the content of the suggested summer school. Their consent should be written and give an appreciation on both the quality of the summer school proposal and the scientific course program. Their support is not financially binding. For more information on the content of the letters, please see the section “Credits” below

The summer school will be held on premises of the ETH Domain or other locations of your choosing in Switzerland

The summer school must take place between March and October 2024

1-2 ECTS credits for doctoral candidates: At EPFL, the amount of ECTS credits awarded for participation will be decided by the respective doctoral program’s committee. This decision must be stated in the support letter of the doctoral program Director. It is also expected of the professors supporting the summer school to participate/be aware of the program as they will give or grade the assessment (depending the form of the assessemment). At ETH Zürich, the amount of credits awarded for participation will be defined by the respective thesis supervisor or department. The credits for other doctoral candidates from within ETH Zürich must also be defined by their supervisor or their department. In this regard, it is recommended that the ETH Zürich professors supporting the application declare in their letter of support, how many credits they will award for the participation. For Master students, this does not apply: please check point 2.e. of the section “Structure of the summer school proposal” for more information

You are required to impose participation fees for Doctoral candidates and Master students according to the table below. Members of the Organizing Committee are exempt from these fees

Participation fees (CHF) Doctoral candidates Master students
Short event (2-4 days) 150 50
Long event (5-10 days) 250 100

R/ EPFL funds for this type of project are subject to VAT (7.7%)

Part of your application is a detailed budget (Excel file), which gives an itemized overview of the summer school overall costs. The budget contains your revenues including the funds you are applying for (up to an amount of approx. CHF 20,000), the participation fees according to the targeted audience, as well as other sources of income (e.g. sponsors). The budget also contains a detailed list of expected costs such as the expenses for the venue, travels, guest-speakers, accommodation and the promotion of the summer school

The remuneration rate for external speakers may not exceed CHF 300 per lesson period and CHF 150 per exercise period/practical work/laboratory work. Speakers from within the ETH Domain may not be remunerated for their teaching

Two months after the summer school, organizers are requested to deliver a full financial report as well as a report on the participation (both Excel files). The financial report must include both income as well as expenses. Substantial deviations from the original budget in the financial report must be justified. The report on the summer school’s participation must include the information of the number of participants and their affiliation
At EPFL, the financial contribution will be paid by EPFL after review of the reports (to reset the accounts). At ETH Zürich, you have to follow the instructions given by the Rector’s staff

Your proposal should be submitted in PDF format to the institution the main contact person is affiliated with (EPFL: [email protected] or ETHZ: [email protected]) and follow this structure:

 1. Organising Committee (OC)
 1.a. Main Contact of OC at EPFL
 1.b. Main Contact of OC at ETH Zürich
 1.c. Supporting Prof. at EPFL
 1.d. Supporting Prof. at ETH Zürich
 1.e. Application filed at a) EPFL or b) ETH Zürich

 2. Target Audience
 2.a. Number of participants (approximation)
 2.b. Number of doctoral candidates and Master students thereof
 2.c. Who consists the targeted audience of? [members of which institutes / institutions do you expect to participate]
 2.d. Credits for the participation of ETH Domain doctoral candidates: How many credits are granted at EPFL for their doctoral candidates and at ETH Zürich for their doctoral candidates?
2.e. Credits for participation of ETH Domain Master students: For EPFL: please contact as soon as possible the relevant EPFL section to find out if credits count for EPFL Master studies; For ETH Zürich: please contact the study coordinator of the respective study programs as soon as possible, in order to include the summer school in the ETH course catalogue

 3. Venue [where will the summer school take place?]

 4. Date [when will the summer school take place?]

 5. Description of the summer school [contents, outcomes, day by day program draft, not longer than 2 pages]

 6. Budget [short description of mandatory information]

 7. List of attached supporting letters

Should you have any question concerning the requirements, please get in contact with the Doctoral School ([email protected]) for EPFL, and with the Rector’s staff ([email protected]) for ETH Zürich


Last update: 15.07.2024