Customized curricula

Considering that scientific research is taking place more and more at the interfaces between disciplines, the doctoral school promotes interdisciplinarity and initiatives crossing laboratory and institutional boundaries. PhD candidates in the same doctoral program can belong to different departments and work together on an interdisciplinary research project.

Interdisciplinary initiatives

Summer schools

EPFL, in collaboration with its partners, provides opportunities to its doctoral candidates to obtain funding to create and organize common summer programs and engage in extensive scientific cooperation throughout Switzerland and abroad.

EPFL PhD Excellence Program

The EPFL PhD Excellence program is aimed at doctoral candidates interested in pursuing a career in a non-academic sector after their studies and it will complement their training as first-class scientists at EPFL by empowering them as engaged and active members of society and leaders of tomorrow.


EPFLglobaLeaders is a new doctoral fellowship programme funding early stage researchers to become leaders in the transition towards sustainable societies.

Joint and Exchange programs

In addition to agreements on joint PhDs, there are agreements concerning different possibilities for scientific collaborations and exchanges with universities abroad.