Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) opened an International Center dedicated to nanosciences at EPFL. The German institution, renowned for its 17 Nobel Prizes and 80 institutes, has already established international research centers throughout the world, including centers at Princeton University, the National Centre for Biological Sciences in Bangalore and the Weizmann Institute in Israel.
With EPFL, the institution established the Max Planck-EPFL Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Technologies. The partnership included the creation of a laboratory in Lausanne, the organization of joint summer schools and conferences, and funding for projects and theses that will be co-directed by the two institutions. The agreement was signed July 16, 2012, on the EPFL campus.
The principal objective of the partnership is to educate the next generation of scientists in the field of nanosciences. The partnership has two main axes: fundamental nanosciences, in order to better understand and control the behavior and interactions of matter at very small scales; and bio-nanotechnological approaches that are promising in areas such as pharmacology.
The theses are co-directed, thus preparing the next generation of scientists under ideal collaborative conditions between Germany and Switzerland. The program includes the same number of postdoctoral researchers.
Four Max Planck Institutes in Germany constitute the core of the partnership with Lausanne: Max Planck Institutes for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, for Solid State Research and for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, and the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin.
Projects can involve a variety of research fields, such as chemistry, materials science, physics, bioengineering and electrical engineering. (Source: Mediacom)
All framework conditions can be found in the Agreement between Max-Planck Gesellschaft and EPFL.
For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Doctoral School: [email protected].