The Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering (EDCE) offered at EPFL is a multi-disciplinary program designed to tackle the most challenging problem of our time: fostering a vibrant and productive society while ensuring environmental sustainability. This challenge is being addressed by creative interactions between science and engineering. EPFL, the top ranked university in continental Europe in the area of engineering, provides a unique opportunity to pursue this complex goal while offering outstanding facilities and a stimulating work environment. EDCE spans a remarkably broad research spectrum from rock mechanics to microbiology, from rivers to roads and from the dams to glaciers. Because of this breadth, researchers are able to combine disciplines in creative and original ways.

EDCE community
Within this program, we aim to foster a lively and active community of students and professors, where fruitful exchanges transcend traditional boundaries between disciplines. In fact, we believe that the research that will provide solutions to global problems does and will lie precisely at those interfaces. The students are exposed to this multidisciplinary atmosphere through a cutting-edge curriculum composed of a lively combination of coursework, laboratory research and seminars.

Upcoming public defense


Prof. Anastasios Vassilopoulos

Emma Sorrentino – Gundersen
