EDDH Jury Presidents Guidelines for the jury President of the Oral Exam Karl AbererFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 46 79BC 108Daniel Gatica-PerezAdjunct Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 19 51Wulfram GerstnerFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 67 13SV 2806Frédéric KaplanAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 02 53INN 141Sarah Irene Brutton KenderdineFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 48 60JORD 1 121Martin Alois RohrmeierAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 23 18INN 136Sabine SüsstrunkFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 66 64BC 328Robert WestAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 35 36INN 310Jérôme BaudryTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 75 99INN 139