Research in EDEE covers the following broad categories:
Micro/Nano electronics, circuits, systems and computer engineering
Prof. Hatice Altug | Bionanophotonic Systems Laboratory | Bio-nanophotonics, nano-optics, lab-on-a-chip systems, optical nanoantennas, metamaterials, 2D materials, micro/nanofabrication, microfluidics |
Prof. Kamiar Aminian | Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement | wearable systems, assistive devices, biomechanics, instrumentation, health monitoring |
Prof. David Atienza Alonso | Embedded Systems Laboratory | multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) design and optimization, low power embedded systems, smart body sensing systems, data center designs |
Dr. Giovanni Boero | Microsystems Laboratory 1 | nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR), RF electronics, microwaves electronics |
Dr. Danick Briand | Soft Transducers Laboratory | Biodegradable Microsystems, Flexible and Printed Electronics, MEMS, Energy Harvesting, Smart Sensing Systems |
Prof. Andreas Burg | Telecommunications Circuits Laboratory | VLSI signal processing, pow-power digital VLSI, wireless communication systems, signal processing for communication, embedded systems |
Prof. Sandro Carrara | Integrated Systems Laboratory | Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications, Bio-interfaces, lab-on-a-chip, bio/CMOS co-design, micro-&-nano systems, imagers, image processing, embedded systems, Android interfaces |
Prof. Edoardo Charbon | Quantum Architecture Group | single photon detection, electronic design, image sensor architectures, biomedical applications, time-of-flight and ranging |
Prof. Kyojin Choo | Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits Lab | Compact and energy-efficient mixed-signal IC and system design: low-power sensor nodes, high-speed analog-to-digital converter, sensor readout interface (image, audio, vibration, clock-generation circuits (PLL, DLL, XO), wireline communication, analog/in-memory computing, power management circuit |
Prof. Giovanni De Micheli | Integrated Systems Laboratory | CAD, EDA, nanoelectronics, VLSI, biosensors |
Prof. Georg Fantner | Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Instrumentation | Atomic force microscopy, instrumentation, MEMS, real time signal processing and control, nanotechnology, microfabrication, bioengineering |
Prof. Rolf Gruetter | Laboratory of Functional and | magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, radiofrequency resonant circuits, tomography, neurosciences |
Prof. Carlotta Guiducci | Swiss-up engineering Chair – Laboratory of Life Sciences Electronics | microsystems for bioanalytics, lab-on-chip devices, 3D integration technologies, semiconductor sensors, nucleic acids analytics, single-cell manipulation and analysis |
Prof. Mihai Adrian Ionescu | Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory | nanoelectronics, nanowires, low power devices, tunnel FET’s, nano-electro-mechanical devices, radio frequency micro-electro-mechanical systems, carbon nanotubes, 2D material for sensing |
Prof. Andras Kis | Nanoscale Electronics and Structures | 2D materials, MoS2, nanoelectronics, nanodevices |
Prof. Stephanie Lacour | Laboratory for Soft Bioelectronic Interfaces | stretchable electronics, soft microsystems, implantable electrodes, micro-nanofabrication |
Prof. Alcherio Martinoli | Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory | distributed robotic systems, sensor and actuators networks, intelligent vehicles, distributed intelligent systems, distributed cyber-physical systems |
Prof. Elison Matioli | Power and Wide-band-gap Electronics Research lab | nanotechnology, nanostructures, GaN, semiconductors, electronics, devices, power |
Dr. Marco Mattavelli | Multimedia Group | signal processing systems, dataflow programming, video coding systems, HEVC, HDTV and UHDTV systems, SW-HW co-designs |
Prof. Christophe Moser | Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices | microscopy, digital holography, imaging with fibers, near-the-eye displays |
Prof. Yves Perriard | Integrated Actuators Laboratory | Piezoelectric devices, electromagnetic fluid, contactless power transmission, microactuators, energy harvesting |
Prof. Sylvie Roke | Laboratory for fundamental BioPhotonics | microcopy, electromagnetic waves and interactions, nonlinear optics, semi-conductor interfaces, charge- transfer, ultrafast phenomena, spectroscopy, liquids. |
Prof. Selman Sakar | MicroBioRobotic Systems Laboratory | microrobotics, MEMS, biomedical devices, endovascular neural interfaces, acoustic and magnetic actuation, robotic microsurgery. |
Dr. Jean-Michel Sallèse | IEL Scientists Group | compact modelling of multigate field effect transistor, organic field effect transistors, MMS based glucose sensor, modelling parasitic substrate current in IC’s |
Dr. Alexandre Schmid | Biomedical and Neuromorphic Microelectronic Systems Research Group | biomedical circuits and systems, implantable circuits and systems, bioelectronic interfaces, neuromorphic and nonconventional processing systems, reliability of nanoelectronic systems |
Prof. Herbert Shea | Microsystems for Space Technologies Laboratory | stretchable actuators, polymer MEMS, dielectric elastomer transducers, soft robotics |
Prof. Mahsa Shoaran | Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory | integrated circuits, machine learning hardware, neural interfaces, neuroengineering, neural signal processing, brain-machine interfaces, low-power CMOS design, biomedical circuits and systems. |
Prof. Vivek Subramanian | Laboratory for Advanced Fabrication Technologies | micro/nano fabrication, micro/nano manufacturing sciences, flexible and printed electronics, thin film devices, MEMS |
Prof. Giulia Tagliabue | Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies | nanophotonics, plasmonic hot-carrier devices, metasurfaces, micro/nanofabrication, energy conversion/storage devices |
Prof. Guillermo Villanueva | Advanced Nems Laboratory | NEMS, MEMS, RF communications, resonators, sensors |
Prof. Yujia Zhang | Laboratory for Bio-Iontronics | bioiontronics, bioelectronics, dropletronics, bioengineering |
Information technologies, automatic control, signal, image, and video processing
Prof. Alexandre Alahi | Visual Intelligence for Transportation | artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, signal processing, human-robot interactions, deep learning, socially-aware transportation, computational mobility |
Prof. Kamiar Aminian | Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement | wearable systems, assistive devices, biomechanics, instrumentation, health monitoring |
Prof. David Atienza Alonso | Embedded Systems Laboratory | multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) design and optimization, low power embedded systems, smart body sensing systems, data center designs |
Prof. Michel Bierlaire | Transport and Mobility Laboratory | operation research, behavorial models, transportation, optimization, simulation |
Prof. Aude Billard | Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory | robotics, machine learning, adaptive control, human-robot and human-computer interaction, modeling of biological motion information technologies, automatic control, signal, image and video processing |
Prof. Andrea Cavallaro | IDIAP Research Institute | machine learning, computer vision, audio processing, robot perception, privacy |
Prof. Volkan Cevher | Laboratory for Information and Inference Systems | machine learning, optimization, signal processing, information theory |
Prof. Grégoire Courtine | G-Lab Upcourtine | Neuroprosthetics, Rehabilitation, Robotics, Neural Interfaces, Locomotion, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg | Chili Computer-Human Interaction in Learning and Instruction | Learning technologies, human-computer interaction, educational robotics, learning analytics |
Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi | Multimedia Signal Processing Group | image compression, video compression, quality of experience, media security and privacy |
Prof. Georg Fantner | Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Instrumentation | Atomic force microscopy, instrumentation, MEMS, real time signal processing and control, nanotechnology, microfabrication, bioengineering |
Dr. Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate | Automatic Control Laboratory | automatic control, networked control systems, large-scale systems, control of smart grids, hybrid systems, machine learning |
Prof. Olga Fink | Intelligent Maintenance and Operations Systems | intelligent maintenance and operations systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, signal processing, deep learning, physics-informed deep learning, geometric deep learning |
Prof. Dario Floreano | Laboratory of Intelligent Systems | Bio-inspired Robotics, bio-inspired artificial intelligence, computational Biology |
Prof. Pascal Frossard | Signal Processing Laboratory 4 | image, video and 3D information processing, computational photography, image communication, network and graph signal processing, high-dimensional data analysis, machine learning, network data analysis |
Prof. Pascal Fua | Computer Vision Laboratory | computer vision, augmented reality, biomedical imaging |
Prof. Volker Gass | Idiap Research Institute | guidance navigation & control (GNC) for satellites, trajectory control, remote image reconstruction |
Prof. Daniel Gatica-Perez | Idiap Research Institute | social computing group social computing, social media, ubiquitous computing, computational social science, machine learning |
Prof. Nikolaos Geroliminis | Urban Transport System Laboratory | traffic flow modeling, clustering, optimization, control systems, transportation networks |
Dr. Denis Gillet | Coordination & Interaction Systems Group | human-computer interaction, social media platforms, dynamic coordination systems, cyber physical systems, intelligent transportation systems |
Prof. Matthias Grossglauser | Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory 1 | machine learning, network science, applied probability, discret-choice models, recommender systems |
Prof. Rolf Gruetter | Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic Imaging | magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, radiofrequency resonant circuits, tomography, neurosciences |
Prof. Manuel Guizar Sicairos | Computational X-ray Imaging Laboratory | Image processing and reconstruction, X-ray microscopy, lensless imaging, phase retrieval, ptychography, tomography, synchroton X-ray sources |
Prof. Michael Herzog | Psychophysics Laboratory | neural networks, deep networks, visual processing |
Prof. Friedhelm Hummel | Prof. Hummel Group | clinical neuroengineering, brain stimulation, neuroimaging, neuroplasticity, learning, brain-machine interactions, stroke recovery, healthy aging |
Prof. Auke Ijspeert | Biorobotics Laboratory | robotics, nonlinear control, dynamical systems, machine learning, computational neuroscience |
Prof. Colin Jones | Automatic Control Laboratory 3 | predictive control, real-time optimization, computational geometry, smart grids, building control |
Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour | Systems Control And Multiagent Optimization Research | learning, optimization, control, distributed control, game theory, stochastic and data-driven safe control |
Prof. Alireza Karimi | Data-Driven Modelling and Control Group | data-driven control systems, robust control, control of mechatronic systems, control of smart grids |
Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib | Laboratory of Astrophysics | astrophysics, cosmology, optical spectroscopy, instrumentation, image processing, optimization |
Prof. Florent Krzakala | Information, Learning and Physics Laboratory | machine learning, information theory, high-dimensional statistics, signal processing |
Prof. Daniel Kuhn | Risk Analytics and Optimization Chair | optimization, operations research, decision-making under uncertainty, machine learning |
Prof. Alcherio Martinoli | Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory | distributed robotic systems, sensor and actuators networks, intelligent vehicles, distributed intelligent systems, distributed cyber-physical systems |
Dr. Marco Mattavelli | Multimedia Group | signal processing systems, dataflow programming, video coding systems, HEVC, HDTV and UHDTV systems, SW-HW co-designs |
Prof. Silvestro Micera | Translational Neural Engineering Laboratory | neuroprosthetics, closed-loop control algorithms, neural signal processing, robotics |
Dr. Jean-Marc Odobez | Idiap Research Institute | perception and activity understanding group computer vision, applied machine learning, multimodal interaction, behavior analysis |
Prof. Jamie Paik | Reconfigurable Robotics Lab | soft electronics and components, embedded sensing and actuation system, modular system control and design tools |
Prof. Ali H. Sayed | Adaptative Systems Laboratory | adaptation and learning theories, statistical inference, distributed optimization, network and data sciences, biologically-inspired designs |
Prof. Mahsa Shoaran | Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory | integrated circuits, machine learning hardware, neural interfaces, neuroengineering, neural signal processing, brain-machine interfaces, low-power CMOS design, biomedical circuits and systems. |
Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk | Image and Visual Represenation Group | information technologies, automatic control, signal, image and video processing |
Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran | Signal Processing Laboratory 5 | image processing, image analysis, medical imaging, computer vision, human-computer interactions |
Prof. Michael Unser | Biomedical Imaging Group | biomedical imaging, image processing and analysis, splines, wavelets, sparsity, inverse problems |
Prof. Dimitri Van De Ville | Medical Image Processing Lab | signal processing, neuroimaging, network analysis, brain dynamic, computational brain function |
Prof. Pierre Vandergheynst | Signal Processing Laboratory 2 | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Signal & Image Processing, Sparse Representations, Compressive Sensing, Signal processing on graphs and network |
Prof. Martin Vetterli | Audiovisual Communications laboratory | mathematical signal processing, inverse problems regularized by sparsity, sampling theory, digital acoutics |
Prof. Amir Zamir | Visual Intelligence and Learning Lab | Computer vision, machine learning, perception-for-robotics |
Electrical Energy: Systems and Components
Dr. Rachid Cherkaoui | Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory | power & distribution systems analysis and control, dynamic phenomena in power systems, modeling of new technologies, electricity market deregulation |
Prof. Drazen Dujic | Power Electronic Laboratory | electrical energy generation, conversion and storage, power converters, power semiconductors |
Prof. Alireza Karimi | Data-Driven Modelling and Control Group | data-driven control systems, robust control, control of mechatronic systems, control of smart grids |
Prof. Mario Paolone | Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory | power systems, smart grids, distributed generation and storage, optimal control, distributed monitoring |
Prof. Sylvie Roke | Laboratory for fundamental BioPhotonics | microcopy, electromagnetic waves and interactions, nonlinear optics, semi-conductor interfaces, charge- transfer, ultrafast phenomena, spectroscopy, liquids |
Prof. Yujia Zhang | Laboratory for Bio-Iontronics | bioiontronics, bioelectronics, dropletronics, bioengineering |
Wireless Communications, Electromagnetics and Wave Phenomena
Prof. Karim Achouri | Laboratory for Advanced Electromagnetics and Photonics | Metamaterial design, electromagnetic modeling, wave propagation, numerical simulations |
Prof. Haitham Al Hassanieh | Laboratory of Sensing and Networking Systems | Wireless Networks, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensing |
Prof. Hatice Altug | Bionanophotonic Systems Laboratory | Bio-nanophotonics, nano-optics, lab-on-a-chip systems, optical nanoantennas, metamaterials, 2D materials, micro/nanofabrication, microfluidics |
Prof. Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus | Hybrid Photonics Laboratory | High frequency devices, photonics, integrated terahertz devices, quantum metrology, sources, integrated photonic circuits, metasurfaces, active photonics |
Prof. Camille Brès | Photonic Systems Laboratory | light conversion and amplification, thulium/fluoride fiber-based sources, mid-infrared waveguides and devices, all-optical Nyquist communication |
Prof. Andreas Burg | Telecommunications Circuits Laboratory | VLSI signal processing, pow-power digital VLSI, wireless communication systems, signal processing for communication, embedded systems |
Prof. Edoardo Charbon | Quantum Architecture Group | single photon detection, electronic design, image sensor architectures, biomedical applications, time-of-flight and ranging |
Prof. Romain Fleury | Laboratory of Wave Engineering | wave phenomena, metamaterials, topological insulators, non-Hermitian wave devices, non-reciprocal systems, electromagnetics, acoustics, nanophotonics, metasurfaces, spoof plasmon polaritons |
Prof. Tobias Kippenberg | Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements | cavity quantum optomechanics, chipscale optical frequency combs, nanomechanical transducers, superconducting sensors, quantum limited optomechanical devices |
Dr. Hervé Lissek | Signal Processing Laboratory 2 | acoustics, electroacoustics, audio engineering, active noise control, active/passive electroacoustic absorption, active/passive acoustic metamaterials, signal processing for acoustics and audio |
Prof. Christophe Moser | Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices | microscopy, digital holography, imaging with fibers, near-the-eye displays |
Prof. Farhad Rachidi-Haeri | Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory | electromagnetic compatibility, lightning, high power electromagnetics, transients in power systems, electromagnetic time reversal |
Prof. Sylvie Roke | Laboratory of fundamental BioPhotonics | microcopy, electromagnetic waves and interactions, nonlinear optics, semi-conductor interfaces, charge- transfer, ultrafast phenomena, spectroscopy, liquids. |
Prof. Mike Seidel | Particle Accelerator Physics Laboratory | electromagnetic design of RF structures for the acceleration of charged particle beams, self-generated fields and their reaction to the particle beam, simulation of electromagnetic wave phenomena in the context of particle accelerators |
Prof. Anja Skrivervik | Microwave and Antenna Group | compact antennas, antennas for W-BAN, microwaves sensors, periodic structures in electromagnetics, mm-wave antennas |